A girl who does not give out second chances
Unsplash / Nick Karvounis

She Does Not Give Out Second Chances Anymore

Instead of seeing the good in people like she once did, she expects the worst from them. She expects to be disappointed. She expects to have her heart broken. 


A girl who does not give out second chances
Unsplash / Nick Karvounis

She does not give out second chances anymore because she has lost her optimism. Instead of seeing the good in people like she once did, she expects the worst from them. She expects to be disappointed. She expects to have her heart broken. She is used to the pain.

She does not give out second chances anymore because she has learned to stop caring about people more than they care about her. She has learned to stop putting effort into one-sided relationships. She has learned that there is no sense in being the best partner that she can be if the other person is not going to return the favor.

She does not give out second chances anymore because she has started listening to her head over her heart. She doesn’t allow toxic people to remain in her life anymore, just because she has strong feelings for them, just because she couldn’t picture her life without them. She forces herself to think logically. To be a realist instead of a romantic.

She does not give out second chances anymore because she has raised her standards. She no longer accepts poor treatment. If someone hurts her, then they do not deserve a place in her life. She knows that now.

She does not give out second chances anymore because she has stopped blaming herself for every little thing that goes wrong in her life. When someone hurts her, she doesn’t think of all of the ways that she caused it to happen. She doesn’t take the blame herself. She understands that it is not always her fault when someone else treats her poorly.

She does not give out second chances anymore because she used to be too nice and everyone took advantage of her. She used to give out a million chances and everyone abused the privilege. Instead of learning from their mistakes and treating her better in the future, they would repeat their mistake over and over again because they didn’t think that there would be any consequences. They thought that they could get away with doing anything to her and she would take it.

She does not give out second chances anymore because she does not want to be with someone who feels comfortable hurting her. She does not want to be with someone who thinks it’s okay to lie to her or cheat on her or consider her a second choice. She does not want to be with someone who she goes out of her way to treat with love and respect, even though they treat her like crap.

She does not give out second chances anymore because, if she is being brutally honest, most people do not deserve her kindness. Her honesty. Her soft heart. They do not deserve her.

She does not give out second chances anymore — unless someone proves that they are willing to make a change, unless someone actually deserves another chance, unless someone is going to put effort into avoid making the same mistakes twice. Thought Catalog Logo Mark