This Is Why The Most Intelligent Girls Come Across As Awkward

Intelligent Girl
Unsplash / Yaroslav Blokhin

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they value authenticity over social skills. They don’t really care about being the life of the party. They don’t care about having hundreds of friends on their contact list or likes on their selfies. More often than not, intelligent girls are introverts, which means that they can’t be surrounded by people for too long without losing their energy.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they aren’t scared off by silence. They are okay with sitting in the corner of a room and reading a book while the rest of the class is joking around. They are fine with eating chips from the snack table while everyone else is on the dance floor. They aren’t afraid of being alone.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because there are a million things running through their mind at any given moment. They might stumble over what they’re saying, because they’re not sure how to take the wealth of information inside of their head and condense it into a few sentences during a casual conversation.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they are stuck in their heads all the time. Sometimes they will get lost in a daydream and won’t notice what’s going on around them. That’s why they might trip over their own feet, spill something across their lap, or stumble over their words.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they can’t stand small talk. They value deep, meaningful conversations over chitchat with extended relatives at family parties. They can have a hard time making new friends, because relationships usually start off as superficial, talking about TV shows and the weather — which is something they would rather not do.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they are overly polite. If they don’t hear what someone just told them, they will nod as if they heard exactly what was said. And when a ticket taker tells them to enjoy their movie or a friend tells them happy birthday, they will say ‘you too.’ Even though their brains are big, they spit out stupid things without thinking.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they are uncomfortable around new people. They don’t like when men they barely know touch them, so they stiffen up during hugs. And they don’t like talking to near-strangers, so they struggle to make eye contact. They would rather be surrounded by the friends they’ve known for a while.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because there’s so much information swimming around in their head which can make it hard to recall everything. That’s why, sometimes, they forget the little things. It can make them look like an airhead. It can make people who barely know them assume that they’re stupid when they’re actually the smartest person in the room.

Intelligent girls can come across as awkward because they are smart enough to know that their perception isn’t everything. They realize that other people’s opinions don’t matter. That it’s okay if some people find them weird, because they are happy with themselves. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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