Find A Better Reason To Stay Up Until 2 AM

Twenty20, isr4el
Twenty20, isr4el

You’re staying up until 2 AM for the wrong reasons. Because you’re wasted. Because you’re heartbroken. Because you’re bored and lonely and scrolling through social media until you’re forced to surrender to sleep.

You shouldn’t be half-covered in blankets with your head propped up on a pillow, daydreaming about how things used to be back when you were in a relationship. Or plugging your phone into the closest outlet, just in case that text you’ve been waiting for comes through.

You shouldn’t be watching video after video after video of people you don’t give a damn about. People that you don’t even want to watch, but hey, their video popped on after something you did want to watch and you don’t have the energy to click away.

Find a better reason to stay up until 2 AM. A reason that you won’t regret when morning comes and the tiredness seeps inside.

Stay up, because you had a great idea for a story or a song or a poem, and you don’t want the idea to slip away as you sleep. Stay up, because you’re on a creative streak and don’t want to ruin your flow. Stay up, because your passion burns brightest at night.

And if your career isn’t the reason why you’re awake when the sun is resting, let love be the reason.

Stay up — not because you’re in the middle of a brutal fight filled with ugly words. Not because you’re tossing and turning, wishing that the argument never happened. Not because you’re crying your eyes out over the kinks in your imperfect relationship.

Stay up, because you have a million things to say without enough hours to say them. Stay up, because you want to set a new record for the amount of times you make love. Stay up, because you don’t want sleep to rob you of a second of time with them.

Stay up, because you found something that makes the yawns and baggy eyes feel worthwhile.

Don’t choose existing over living. Don’t scroll through Twitter, then Facebook, then Tumblr, then back to Twitter again out of boredom. And don’t relive painful memories of your ex, because you have nothing else to think about when the silence envelopes your bedroom.

If you’re going to stay awake until 2 AM, find a good enough reason. Find your passion.

Because, once you find something that’s actually worth staying up until 2 AM for, you’ll find something worth living for. You’ll find your reason to be. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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