
18 Telling Differences Between ENTP And INTP Personality Types

ENTPs brainstorm first and analyze second. INTPs analyze first and brainstorm second.


There are a striking number of similarities that exist between the introverted INTP personality type and the ambiverted ENTP personality type. Both types share four cognitive functions in only a slightly different order – making them difficult to distinguish from one another. In case you’re having trouble deciphering which category you or someone you’re close to falls into, here are a few subtle differences that exist between these two look-a-like types.


1. ENTPs lead with Extroverted Intuition – a function that explores, invents and seeks to manipulate its environment. INTPs lead with Introverted Thinking – a function that seeks to verify, rationalize and understand its environment without bias.

2. ENTPs show their goofy and lighthearted sides to the world. INTPs show their goofy and lighthearted sides to the people they know well.

3. ENTPs are usually able to pick up on how others are feeling, even if they don’t make others’ feelings a priority. INTPs often struggle to pick up on how others are feeling and may worry about misunderstanding signals.

4. ENTPs rebel against traditional ways of structuring their lives. INTPs see the value – and often find comfort in – traditional forms of structure.

5. ENTPs brainstorm first and analyze second. INTPs analyze first and brainstorm second.

6. ENTPs are highly invested in personal development and growth. INTPs are highly invested in developing an unbiased perception of themselves.

7. ENTPs tend to leap before they look. INTPs tend to look before they leap.

8. ENTPs tend to identify as ambiverts. INTPs tend to identify as definite introverts.

9. ENTPs are more at risk of losing touch with their rational, grounded side when they get carried away with a new idea. INTPs are more at risk of losing touch with their inventive, creative side when they get absorbed in logical analysis.

10. ENTPs are charismatic and persuasive – seeing convincing others to do things their way as a fun challenge. INTPs dislike having to persuade others to do things their way, and wish that others would just intuitively know what they wanted.

11. ENTPs enlist others to take care of the details when they want a project accomplished. INTPs are more likely to tackle the details themselves – in the name of accuracy – when they want a project accomplished.

12. ENTPs tend to appear energetic and outgoing to others, even though they experience long periods of introverted focus and analysis. INTPs tend to appear laid-back and reserved to others, even though they have bouts of excitement and enthusiasm.

13. ENTPs like to be alone with other people nearby – so they can share new ideas or thoughts if they come up. INTPs prefer to be completely alone when they’re alone, so they can ensure their thought process won’t be interrupted.

14. ENTPs form an idea and then seek to manipulate the world around them to concede to their idea. INTPs evaluate the logic at hand and then form an idea that best corresponds to that logic.

15. ENTPs jump on new ideas and wish to explore them as soon as they come up. INTPs entertain new ideas only once they have considered how the idea fits with their existing schema of understanding.

16. ENTPs enjoy debating and discussing ideas as a means of considering alternate perspectives and better understanding the topic. INTPs prefer independently reading and reflecting on a topic in order to gain a thorough understanding of it.

17. ENTPs are often excited by personality theory and may immediately consider or ‘try on’ different types for size. INTPs are often skeptical of personality theory and will only begin to trust it once they consistently test as an INTP across various tests and assessments.

18. ENTPs are on an eternal quest for possibility, backed up by logic and accuracy. INTPs are on an eternal quest for truth, backed up by possibility. Thought Catalog Logo Mark