Pubes Or No Pubes? Bring The Bush Back!

Ah, the age-old debate. (Not really. Very recent debate, actually.) Should you keep your full bush or hack it all off and sprinkle lye so nothing will grow there again? Are pubes in or out?

This comedy PSA argues for women to bring the bush back! Keep their pubes au natural. Let your lover hunt for the treasure.


Okay, so I’m also in this video. (That’s me in the top photo! Hey, y’all!) And I’m an editor here so I can post things with my face in them if I so choose. Ha! I’M DRUNK WITH POWER.

And even though I appear in this sketch, I want to say that I think pubes are your choice. Have ’em or don’t! It doesn’t say anything about your womanhood or feminism. It’s all good. This is just for comedies. Although some people have really, really strong opinions about whether or not a woman should wax, shave, laser, or leave her pubic hair. They see the removal of the bush as a sign of the patriarchy or oppression. They think it’s all pornography’s fault we do this to ourselves, or that we’re afraid men won’t like a hairy vag.

To me, the only important reason to do anything to your pubes is that it makes you feel good about your genitals. When I was shooting this video, one of the things I said that ended up on the cutting room floor was that I don’t have a consistent way of leaving my downstairs forest. Sometimes I get annoyed and it all goes. Sometimes I don’t do anything to it for months because I’m lazy. I don’t really have a militant, political stance here. But I can appreciate the worry some people have that young girls are putting themselves through pain and suffering simply because they are ashamed of their vaginas and want to make themselves “presentable” for their male partners. Pop an Aleve, sip some wine, and spread ’em and you’ll start to question this beauty ideal-ordeal too.

But if you truly prefer no hair, I see no harm. Oh, you know what’d be fun? I’d like to get a vote in the comments. How many of you go hairless and how many let it grow like Demi Moore in the 80s? Is it truly mandatory to have a waxed vag now or can dudes (and anyone who eats pussy) still get down with some pubes?

Again, I think it’s all up to you, baby girls. Every vagina is a unique, beautiful snowflake. There’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s — or to do your bush. (Ew. I apologize. I don’t know why I said that. Just watch the video.) TC Mark

About the author

Gaby Dunn

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