Erin Gaw

expression is my art
Articles by
Erin Gaw
How To Find Peace And Closure After A Breakup
It will take a while to get to a place where you are finally content again, hopeful, appreciative, and genuinely happy.
I Still Miss You Sometimes And That’s Okay
Why do we miss someone who left us?
How To Trust After Heartbreak
Feel happy for yourself first again. To trust yourself again is to be brave. Be brave.
This Is What A Strong And Independent Woman Looks Like
A strong, confident and independent woman is one who passionately loves their job and excels in it. A strong, confident and independent woman is one who can be in a big dinner party and take the experience as a learning one and an opportunity to build and grow her social network.
You Are Worth The Risk
With the right person, the uncertainties and risks seem less scary.
We Could Have Been So Good For Each Other
You know when they say that some relationships are just meant to teach us a lesson? Maybe we’re one of those.