You Probably Missed The Most Terrifying Horror Movie Of The Last Few Years

It’s been a decent few years for horror movies with fan favorites like Don’t Breathe, Hush, and The Witch all coming out. For once we had multiple releases that truly felt fresh.
As a hardcore horror fan I’ve seen all of these, but they pale in comparison to the actual scariest movie of the last few years, which I stumbled across on Amazon Prime one night when I was looking for something to watch. You Are Not Alone is a new twist on a plot as old as time: a small town with a killer on the loose. This time, however, the story is told entirely from the main character’s POV. You see what she sees.
This movie terrified me. I was unsettled every time the lights were off for a week and I made sure to keep all my blinds closed and not peak out them lest I see something like this:

That’s the killer, brazenly walking around a girl’s house — taunting her.
This is no Michael Myers, the killer runs. You can see him trying to get in. And since it’s all filmed from the character’s POV, you’re filled with a sense of dread as you understand what it’s like to have a killer trying to get you.

If my (frankly expert) opinion isn’t enough to convince you, watch this trailer in the dark:
You Are Not Alone isn’t on Netflix, but you can stream it on Amazon. Very excited to see what’s up next for writer/director Derek Munger!