Today I Choose To Love Myself

Today I am choosing to love myself. I am pushing aside the negative thoughts. I am brushing away my so called flaws. Today I am putting on my rose colored glasses, in the hopes that they will one day become permanent, and no longer a temporary fix.

Today I am choosing to love myself because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I put myself down, I only miss out on moments of joy and happiness. When I put myself down, I hide my value away from myself – I shield my body in pity. I hurt too much. When I choose to love myself, I have everything to gain because I will be open and free, not tied back or hidden away by my own self-constructed limitations.

Today I am choosing to love myself because not loving myself is exhausting.
When my brain feeds my mind and body hurtful insults and negative words, my desire to live and to grow is smothered. My body is tired. My mind is worn out. My hopes and goals are washed away. These harmful words dim my sparkle and hide my heart in the shadows. Hate is a much heavier load than love.

Today I am choosing to love myself because I have found peace in the realization that not everyone will love me.
Not everyone will like me. But how they feel is a reflection of them, not of me. We are all different souls, and we all find connection with different people. I now see that my own self-love and validation is more powerful than validation from others. And when I choose to love myself, the right people will come into my little corner of the world.

Today I am choosing to love myself because when I love myself, my heart shines brighter.
I flourish when I do what I love. The hesitance in my step weakens. I stand a little bit taller; I hold my head up higher. With love in my heart, I have more confidence and grace in my step. I notice the red flowers I walk past. I feel the sun shining on my arms. I am more present. I shine with the sun.

Today I am choosing to love myself because I need someone to lean on.
I need to know that I can be at home in my own body. I need to know that I am coming home to myself, and that is enough. That is plenty. I am choosing to love this comforting home.

Today I am choosing to love myself because I want to love others purely.
I want to love others with no jealousy and no envy. I want to love others uniquely, with strength and bravery. I want to admire others without wishing I were more like them. I want to be able to give compliments freely and genuinely, with deep honesty.

Today I am choosing to love myself so that I can in turn be a better friend.
When I love myself, I have more room in my heart to care for the hearts of my loved ones. I have more to offer to others – more to give. When I love myself, I have a greater capacity for love

Today I choose to love myself because there is no need for hate.
The world already has enough negative energy. What the world truly needs is more kindness…more vulnerability. Self-love is an act or pure compassion. It nurtures positive vibes that shine and sparkle throughout the universe.

Today I am choosing to love myself because love is my purpose. I am in this world for the sole purpose of spreading love, and of “being” love. By embodying love, I am honoring my own unique contribution to the world. I am realizing that I am enough, just as I am.

Today I am choosing to love myself because I am worth loving. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Colleen George

“there can be magic in the messes” @apeaceofwerk