Claire Windsor
Choose Me Every Day, Or Let Me Go Forever
If you say you love me, and you say you’re going to be mine, I expect you to choose me every day.
When He Texts You After Midnight, Do Not Answer
Girls who get texts at midnight are simply afterthoughts, and you deserve his full attention at any hour of any day.
16 Guys Reveal The One Little Thing That Makes Their Girlfriend Stand Out In Any Crowd
“Her laugh. Her laugh is honestly one of my favorite sounds in the world. It’s kind of kooky and definitely not a ‘cute’ laugh, but it’s genuine. It’s real. And it’s 100% her.”
Never Apologize For Being A Girl Who Leads With Her Heart Instead Of Her Head
The truth about the girl who leads with her heart instead of her head that you’re probably afraid to admit? She’s braver than you. The girl who leads with her heart instead of her head isn’t afraid of the possibility of failing.
Just So You Know, There’s More To Life Than Falling In Love
Falling in love is magical, but there is magic in a lot of places, people, and things that have absolutely nothing to do with love.
What I Mean When I Say Wanderlust
I want to get sunburnt and lost and find my way so that and the end of the day, I can tell you how wonderful being lost really is because it means you get to find your way back.
15 Reasons Why People Who Fall In Love In College Make The Absolute Best Couples
In college you’re more focused on being the person you WANT to be, so you don’t let other people dictate how you view yourself, the world, or others. That mindset allows you to love someone genuinely and freshly.
17 Reasons Why Growing Up With Laid Back Parents Prepared You For Your Successful Life
Because you didn’t grow up with helicopter parents, you learned how to stand on your own two feet. It followed you through middle school, high school, and you knew it would follow you far, far, beyond.