Christopher Hudspeth
10 Delicious 14th Century Meals That We Should Bring Back
Partying When You’re 18 Vs. Partying When You’re 25
7 years. So, so many differences.
Happiness, Gaining Confidence & 20-Something Life Lessons With Mike Posner
I didn’t think it could happen to me – and it wasn’t happening to me. Then Big Sean got his record deal and suddenly these things didn’t seem so farfetched. I started believing in myself and if he got a deal, I could too. Then my dreams literally came true.
17 Shakespearean Insults We Should Start Using Again
Villain, I have done thy mother.
When And How To Have That Awkward ‘Defining The Relationship’ Talk
If it ain’t broke don’t try to come up with a detailed classification of exactly what it is.
The Differences Between Cute, Pretty, Sexy & Beautiful
Because there’s a difference and we need to know which label we do or don’t qualify as.
17 Signs You Were Born In 1986, 1987, 1988 Or 1989
You can’t ignore how much lower you have to scroll when entering your birth year on forms, which is a tiny (somewhat scary) reminder of how far you’ve come.
10 Animal Mating Rituals Human Dating Should Have
The females basically handle the workload, taking the initiative once they’ve decided whom they want to mate with.
11 Rules For Going After The Things You Want In Life
Don’t bank on Disney movie magic or divine intervention to make things happen if you’re sitting around idle.
17 Signs You Graduated High School In 2004, 2005, Or 2006
3. Your friends’ siblings, who were tiny people when you used to go over to their place in high school, are now fully blossoming into adults and frankly it’s kind of freaky.
10 Things Everyone Should Stop Dismissing
1. Mental illness as “crazy.”
10 Cereals That Leave Behind The Tastiest Milk
In loving memory of Oreo O’s, creator of incredibly delectable post-cereal milk. Discontinued but not forgotten.
7 Dating Trends That Should Stop Immediately
1. Making a conscious effort to show how much less you can care than the other person.
3 Things About Dating That Men & Women Need To Discuss
Who is responsible for making the first move?
7 Social Situations That Shouldn’t Give Me Anxiety But Do
There are everyday occurrences that aren’t a big deal and most people seem to handle them gracefully, but my worrisome, cynical imagination doesn’t allow me to do that and I’m hoping there are others out there who can relate to and share this pain.
The Differences Between Acquaintances, Friends, Best Friends & Soul Mates
Friend language = Laidback sarcasm.
Your Plan Before Entering Target Vs. Your Shopping Cart After Leaving
We can dig deeper and try to get to the bottom of why we lose self-control upon entering a Target, or we can just accept the red & khaki wizard regime’s mysterious abilities to make us disregard shopping lists and toss things in our carts with reckless abandon.
10 Tips For Single Ladies Who Want A Boyfriend
Avoid getting stuck in a foggy place. If you’re involved with a dude, don’t allow yourself to take part in a label-less, casual, uncommitted connection if that’s not what you want.