Christopher Hudspeth
8 Things That Wake You Up In The Middle Of The Night And Whether Or Not You Should Get Out Of Bed For Them
You fell asleep watching a DVD, and the menu is constantly replaying. It’s really annoying.
10 Underappreciated TV Series Streaming On Netflix Right Now
In no particular order.
17 Signs You Need To Go To Bed
10. Mild hallucinations are setting in. Did my puppy just mumble something about Cee Lo Green’s tiny hands and smile with a full set of human teeth?
6 Dream Jobs Lazy 20-Somethings Wish Existed
3. Text message interpreter.
10 Things It’s Impossible To Look Sexy While Doing
Special shout out to pita wraps, foods on sticks, and spaghetti for also being incredibly delicious, but essentially impossible to eat without looking like a rabid animal.
5 Reasons Why Falling In Love Is So Hard
1. Labels terrify some people and uncertainty terrifies others.
10 Gym Problems That Make Being Out Of Shape And Unhealthy Seem Like Better Options
Couples showing affection during the workout. Yes, we get it, your babe is doing a good job and that’s fantastic, but you don’t have to let him/her know that with congratulatory kisses after each set.
7 Things It Really Sucks To Get Emotionally Invested In
2. Sports Teams
6 People You Become On Fridays
4. The I Can’t Wait To Get Home, Put On My Softest Pants And Do Nothing Person
How To Be A Cool, Trendy, Popular Person And Stuff
Does this stuff come in newsletter form? Is there some exclusive memo or cool-kid-illuminati type of secret society meeting that excludes the rest of us? Or is it called Twitter? Please help.
Once Your Heart Has Been Damaged
A moment of pleasure is constantly being chosen over potential years of reliability and happiness. Then, when the flash of indulgence is over, consideration for what has been done begins.
The 10 Best ‘Mean Girls’ Quotes To Use In Day-To-Day Life
Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die.
24 Dates To Take Yourself On
2. Cheap buffet. Usually I like to wait all to eat, only having a snack here and there – you know, like appetite foreplay.
What Your Bedtime Says About You
Yes, they say the early bird gets the worm but only if a productive night owl isn’t there to snatch it first.
15 Things That Make Us Paranoid… Or Is It Just Me? Crap, It’s Probably Just Me
4. When you’re walking or standing and people behind you start laugh.
People Whose Feelings Have An On/Off Switch Are Terrifying
The boogeyman of the dating world, the destroyer of hearts – the person who is able to change their mind about you on a whim.
10 Things Facebook, Twitter And Instagram Addicts Fear
1. Having a witty, brilliant, perfect thought that’s over 140 characters.