17 Ways We Know Men Are The Weaker Sex

Men are the weaker sex because they need women to cover their bodies just to be able to see them as human.



1. Men are the weaker sex because women covering up their bodies is the only way they are able to not think sexual thoughts about them long enough to focus on school or work.

2. Men are the weaker sex because so many of them can’t control their emotions that they resort to violence, drugs, or other methods of lashing out — more than 90% of incarcerated people are men.

3. Men are the weaker sex because they can’t keep up with both working a full-time job and managing a household and raising children to the extent that women do everyday.

4. Men are the weaker sex because there is constant infighting among men.

5. Men are the weaker sex because some cope with insecurity and feeling emasculated with violence and rape.

6. Men are the weaker sex because they feel constantly victimized.

7. Men are the weaker sex because they need to believe the women who rejected them in their youth will become unhappy as some sort of petty revenge.

8. Men are the weaker sex because gay male athletes are a big deal.

9. Men are the weaker sex because despite being able to see you ad nauseum in advance, they live in fear of suddenly finding you unattractive in the middle of sex.

10. Men are the weaker sex because ‘Men Going Their Own Way‘ is an empowering movement. This is America, right? People have been encouraged to make the choices that work for them for centuries, no one has been stopping anyone from doing this.

11. Men are the weaker sex because they need women more than women need men.

12. Men are the weaker sex because they need to be masculine, and fear men who are happily not masculine. When you are happy with your choices, you don’t fear those who choose differently.

13. Men are the weaker sex because they cannot control their emotions enough to not have sex with someone they do not want to have sex with.

14. Men are the weaker sex because they passively allow themselves to get trapped into marriages that don’t work for them.

15. Men are the weaker sex because, like a child, they need everything to be about them.

16. Men are the weaker sex because they change their entire personality based on whether women find it attractive, not based on what makes them happy.

17. Men are the weaker sex because their fragile, fragile egos don’t like it when someone beats them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark