Chelsea Leigh Trescott

A Breakup Coach, Advice Columnist, and the Podcast Host of Thank You Heartbreak.
Articles by
Chelsea Leigh Trescott
30 Pieces Of Timeless Dating Advice That I Wish I’d Started Following Sooner
If you catch yourself playing games, sit yourself down and ask what’s really going on.
My First Healing Step Post-Breakup
I knew the letter I wanted would never get written and the reflection that I was so desperately chasing would never be shared with me.
When You Break Up With Someone You Still Love
When you aren’t angry with someone, there’s nothing to project. When you haven’t lost yourself, there’s no one to go searching for.
Loving You Is A Privilege That Won’t Always Be Mine
We should indulge in each other. We should savor each other. We should look closer, lean in further, and be more tender.
This Is How You Know You’re In A Relationship That’s Right
That’s what “right” means to me, it means honest.
This Is How You Stop Dwelling On What Could’ve Been
If you want to make peace with your past, you’ll need to let go of this dream that your past could have gone any other way and trust that how it went is how it was meant to go.
22 Quotes About Love And Pain From ‘Love Warrior’ That Anyone With Emotions Can Relate To
“Maybe there is no way for love to fail, because the eventual result of all love is New Life.”
Read This When You Have Someone You Continuously Go Back To (Even When You Know It’s Wrong)
Some of us can’t—won’t—because the feelings we are able to have, we have because we are finally away from the person who breaks us down, from the past which cannot contain our passion and potential and satisfy our hunger.
There’s A Reason You Should Be Thankful For Being ‘Benched’ Instead Of Ghosted
These crumbs act as “feelers” – texts that suggest interest or offer interaction but which require the receiver to meet them half-way and do the real leg work.
Learn To Love Yourself And Loneliness Won’t Be Something You’re Afraid Of
I’ve been afraid, usually, of loneliness, of becoming empty without intimacy, empty without having one person whom a mutual commitment to share myself deeply with has been promised.
This Is Why The Relationships That Break Our Hearts Are So Important
We need relationships that will only ever be meant for right now. I believe it is because of our journey along the way.
When A Man Chooses His Ambition Instead Of Love With You
He can’t focus on you any longer, he’ll say, because at this time in his life he must be focusing on himself. On his projects. His “deals.”
This Is Who You Would Be If You Promised To Believe In Yourself
Hope is expectation. Belief is acceptance. Belief says you are a champion, you have what it takes.
This Is For The Women Who Want More In Life, For Themselves And No One Else
My mom said when a woman feels guilty, it’s because she’s doing something right for herself.
Read This If You’re Waiting For Your Real Life To Begin
It’s been a terrible tendency, this tendency to put off living, to look at my life and say this isn’t my real life, not yet at least
We Aren’t Angry At Our Exes, We’re Sad With Ourselves
We regret our eagerness, how caught up we get in the dream of being saved and cared for, how often we fall into the trap of making someone else our world.
To Anyone Who Questions If The Pain They Feel From Heartbreak Is Legitimate
You loved, you gave love, you felt, you inspired someone else to feel. Do you know how important that is?
When We’re Heartbroken Over Love That Only Lasted A Moment
We fear that we will never find our way into a forever love, that we will never be able to hold onto the security blanket for our loneliness.