Chelline Antonette Flores

A writer who believes in extraterrestrial and anything supernatural.
Articles by
Chelline Antonette Flores
This Is What Genuine Happiness Feels Like
Nothing feels better than waking up with a light feeling and a positive heart.
He Left You, But You Have To Be Strong
Some are meant to stay, but some enter our lives temporarily for a purpose, and the only person who knows it is the Man up there.
It’s Time To Put Yourself First
You deserve the best in this world.
This Is Your Reminder To Keep Going Even When Times Are Hard
You might have been failed in the past, but that doesn’t mean you’ll fail forever.
6 Life-Changing Lessons You Can Only Learn After Heartbreak
Love is not always the right answer. Just because we love a person, doesn’t mean it is right and worth it to stay
Why Are You Worrying? You Have God On Your Side
He loves you and He will protect you. So, surrender all your worries to Him.