34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person

Accidentally saved my fathers number as my dealers number. Tried to buy weed from my dad.



25. Told his dad to clean the bong.

“Hey Zack clean the bong we’re gonna get fucked tonight.” Dad had other plans

26. Sent a text to crush about said crush.

Sent a message about a girl I was crushing on hard liking something I posted on Facebook…to said girl.

Since then I try my best to double-check every message on any medium.

27. Meant to send text to boyfriend; sent to coworker instead.

My SO sent a text saying “Nookie when you get here?” intended for me but sent to a mutual friend from her work who secretly (we knew though) had the hots for her. Without hesitation he rushes to our house to act on the message and surprised my wife when he showed up at the door. He was still arguing with her about the mistaken text when I arrived home. He crossed a few lines and tried to insult me as a last ditch effort to woo her before I pushed his ass out the door.

That was the last time we saw him outside of her work.