34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person
Accidentally saved my fathers number as my dealers number. Tried to buy weed from my dad.
By Charlie Shaw
14. Sent a text that was meant for his boyfriend to his whole friend list.
Not a text really, but I was on my 3DS last night and drew out a message with that little app saying “hi. You’re cute. Let’s bang,” meant for my boyfriend.
I hit send and it informed me the message went out to my whole friend list…. Including my younger brother, a couple of his friends and some random I traded fruit with in Animal Crossing once..
15. Inappropriate videos sent to a crippled boss.
I thought I was sending my girlfriend (now wife) YouTube videos of 1-armed push-ups.
Instead, I sent it to my boss who lost his arm in a biking accident 8 months prior
Luckily, he laughed.
16. Sent the wrong text to the girlfriend’s sister.
“YOU FUCKING DYKE”, meant for my buddy while we were playing Civ V. Sent to none other than my girlfriend’s sister.
…who is a lesbian.