34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person

Accidentally saved my fathers number as my dealers number. Tried to buy weed from my dad.



11. The wrong text to mom.

Thanked my partner graphically for his stellar performance the night before, including a compliment about the large load he flooded me with. Sent to my 67-year-old mom. I immediately called her and apologized. She took it gracefully, which I’ll remember when my 20-month-old daughter becomes old enough to make every subsequent holiday dinner with the family explosively awkward.

12. Sent the wrong text to his daughter.

Texted my daughter saying that I wanted to “Fuck her so hard she forgot her name” once… Regardless to say, my wife wasn’t too thrilled.

13. Sent an email meant for a friend to his company.

Not a text, but one of the managers at work emailed me and the email contained some unintentional casual racism. I meant to forward it to my friend but accidentally just replied saying “Dude look at the rampant racism hahahahaha.”

I still have my job, 9 months later.