34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person
Accidentally saved my fathers number as my dealers number. Tried to buy weed from my dad.
By Charlie Shaw
30. Sent the wrong message to the boss.
Not a text message but… My sister and I work for the same company. The company uses instant messaging to communicate with onsite and offsite personnel. My sister told the on duty supervisor that she was a poohead.
She meant it for me. Oops.
31. Sent the wrong text to lab partner.
“I’m taking a bath. You know the drill.” My lab partner was confused. He did not know “the drill”.
32. Sent a really dirty joke to his mother.
“What’s thirteen inches long with a big purple head and makes my girlfriend cry when I feed it to her?
Her abortion.”Accidentally sent that one to my poor mother, when sharing horrible jokes with a friend.
33. Meant to send text to girlfriend; sent to boss instead.
My husband took a picture of the local sex club (swingers club?) with the text “Dirty thoughts” and sent it to his boss by mistake. His boss replied, “Boy, you ain’t right.”
34. A text meant for her husband was actually sent to her OB/GYN.
I texted my OB/GYN to wash his nuts as they were way too salty. Meant to send it to my husband about the almonds I stole from his stash.