60 People Share The Shortest, Funniest Joke They Know

37. Zictor04

“What do you call a mix between an elephant and a rhino?”
“‘Ell if i know.”

38. dandrufforsnow

What’s the difference between a jew and a canoe? A canoe tips.

39. doolie_noted

A termite walks into a bar and says, “Hey, is the bar tender here?”

40. Clamps187

There are two muffins in an oven. First muffin says to the second muffin, “Man, it’s hot in here”. The second muffin replies “HOLY SHIT! A TALKING MUFFIN”!


Two bars walk into a man, LSD is powerful stuff.

42. Calomalo

Why can’t asian parents have white babies? Two wongs don’t make a white.

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