Brynne Mahafee

Articles by
Brynne Mahafee
‘Goodnight Mommy’ Is The Scariest Thing You’ll Watch Today
This is only the movie trailer
10 Bone-Chilling Messages People Sent Just Before Their Deaths
Technology has made it easier for us to communicate with one another.
These Paranormal Investigators Caught A Ghost On The Kinect Camera And It’s Absolutely Mystifying
According to these ghost hunters, an antique store located in Rocklin, California claimed their couch was haunted.
This Man Died Twice In One Year And He Knows What Death Is Really Like
This Swedish man died twice and came back to life twice.
A Man Experienced A Chilling Encounter With The Paranormal In An Abandoned Mine Shaft In Nevada
This is actually really terrifying.
This News Crew Went To Report On A ‘Haunting’ And Got More Than They Bargained For
“FOX43, a local news station in Central Pennsylvania, recently went inside a home in Hanover, York County. This home however, is different from others on the block. The homeowners say their house is severely haunted, with multiple ghosts and other entities.”
20 Really Creepy Places From Around The World That’ll Totally Freak You Out
I’d hate to go to these places alone…