This Is For Anyone Who Feels Like They're Never Going To Find Their Own Path In Life
Gregory Gregory

This Is For Anyone Who Feels Like They’re Never Going To Find Their Own Path In Life

The truth is that what you're looking for isn't outside of you, but buried deep within.


If you are someone who is afraid that you’ll never find your path in life, that you’ll never hit your stride, that you’ll never discover what you love, or find a place that feels like home, or a person with whom you want to plant roots — please know that you are not alone.

The things about life is that it doesn’t happen until it happens. We don’t know what we don’t know until we do.

It is so challenging to exist in a space where you are a stranger to yourself, because it makes you feel like the road will never rise up to meet you. It makes you feel like there is no perfect career, there is no perfect partner, there is no perfect city to call your own.

The truth is that what you’re looking for isn’t outside of you, but buried deep within.

You already know your path.

It’s embedded into your cells.

It reveals itself every time you get a twinge in your heart, a feeling of resonance, an interest, a passion, an explosion of emotion.

It is present in every room you are in.

It is with you all of the time.

There is no path to find, because you are your own path. If where you are right now is confusion and uncertainty, then what you need to feel and metabolize is confusion and uncertainty. Through allowing yourself to sit with these feelings, you will emerge on the other side with clarity.

Too many people spend too many years seeking outside of themselves.

They imagine that the perfect job will give them the right identity, that the ideal partner will hand them the life they always wanted. They assume that home is a place they discover, when really, it is a space they create.

You are at home within your bones, and eventually, you’ll begin to accept that you are where you’re supposed to be.

There are more potential partners out in the world than you could ever imagine, and when the time is right, you’ll find the one that’s right for you.

Your life purpose is not just one thing, it’s a collection of things, some you act on every day, some that won’t come to fruition for many years. When you’re ready, you’ll arrive at the intersection of your interests and talents and you will find the gift you were always meant to give the world.

You can’t rush this.

You aren’t supposed to have every answer on demand.

It’s not that you have to search your soul to know what’s right, but that you are developing your persona to fully inhabit and embrace all that your soul wants to create and experience.

You are already on the right path, because there is nowhere else you could possibly be.

Whatever you are learning in this season is what you need to learn. Whatever you are feeling is what you need to feel. Whatever you are realizing is what you need to realize.

Your life does not begin one day when you figure out every answer, it is a constant unfolding.

One day, you just wake up and realize it.