You Will Start Feeling Like Enough When You Decide What Is Enough For You

You Will Start Feeling Like Enough When You Decide What Is Enough For You

Nobody is going to come along one day and convince you that you’re enough.

As much as you think that’s what might happen, nobody is going to hand your own love to you. Nobody will, because nobody can.

There have been so many people who have loved you madly in this life, and yet, not one of them has been able to convince you that you’re enough. Think of how many people have expressed the deepest affection and admiration for you over the years, certainly you can think of at least a few. Yet it didn’t shift your perception of yourself, at least not for long.

That’s because it’s not supposed to.

Self-worth is an inside job.

You will start feeling like enough when you decide what is enough for you.

You will start feeling like enough when you start setting the standards for your life and then reaching to meet them.

You will start feeling like enough when you decide what kind of work is enough for you, how much money is enough for you, what kind of material belongings are enough for you, how many friendships are enough for you, and what kind of lifestyle is enough for you.

Through deciding what is enough for you on the outside, you will begin to discover what is enough for you on the inside.

What do you really need to feel good, to feel complete, and to feel worthy? Most people dig to find it isn’t much, it’s just a small switch that needs to be turned on.

That light is one of awareness, of gratitude, and consciousness. That one is looking around and seeing just how much you have and knowing that, in the end, you really wouldn’t need much else to get by.

You’ve had less and you’ve laughed until you’ve cried.

You’ve had less and you’ve fallen in love.

You’ve had less and still the sun shined every morning.

It is not that you need more to feel like you are enough, but that you need to decide what is enough for you so that you can stop trying to win a make-believe competition in your mind.

When you decide what is enough for you, you will no longer feel as though you have to prove yourself to yourself.

You will be able to release yourself from the anxiety of wondering whether or not someone else thinks you’re good enough for your own life — because that’s the root of that insecurity to begin with.

When you are enough for you, other people’s measures don’t seem to matter that much.

When you are no longer seeing your life through other people’s eyes, you get to see, and feel, and create, all that you find truly beautiful.

When you decide what is enough for you, you realize that you have always been worthy of your own life.