30 Questions That Will Tell You Whether Or Not You’re Making The Most Of Your Life
Do you complain to express your feelings, or do you use fear as an excuse not to move forward?

1. If on your last day, the person you became were to greet the person you could have become, what would the difference be?
2. If you didn’t have your job, money, nice clothes or things, who would you be? How would you define yourself?
3. Do you have more genuine friendships than you have random acquaintances?
4. If you could talk to your younger self, would you tell them: “Don’t worry so much,” or “Try harder. Care more?”
5. If social media didn’t exist, what would you do each day?
6. What is the difference between that and what you do now?
7. Do you believe that bettering your life is a matter of waiting for opportunity, or creating opportunity?
8. Do you see challenges as something that hinders your growth, or something that creates your growth?
9. Are you more hopeful for your future than you are afraid of it?
10. How many people say “thank you” to you in a day? For what do they thank you for?
11. Have you loved someone deeply, even if you’ve lost them?
12. Do you allow yourself to indulge in something you love regularly?
13. Have you transformed your belief system at least once in your life?
14. Do you feel lost sometimes?
15. Do you doubt yourself frequently?
16. Do you have something in your life that you once only dreamt of?
17. Do you get enough sleep?
18. Are you capable of having an impact on at least one person’s life each day?
19. Do you take yourself up on that opportunity?
20. Do you complain to express your feelings, or do you use fear as an excuse not to move forward?
21. Do you measure your life by how much you have, or how much you enjoy?
21. Do you regularly identify places in your life in which you’d like to grow?
22. In what ways have you changed in the past 5 years?
23. What’s the main thing that’s holding you back from becoming the person you know you want and are meant to be?
24. Is that thing *actually* holding you back?
25. Are you able to enjoy your morning coffee, or a sunny morning, or well cooked meal?
26. Do you see, and appreciate, the beauty in the ordinary?
27. Do you have a healthy go-to coping mechanism for when you need to process your emotions?
28. Do you know what you don’t want?
29. Do you regularly feel a range of emotions, or do you only feel a few?
30. Is “making the most of your life” a matter of becoming more attractive, wealthy and “successful,” or more grateful, peaceful and productive?