Beth Leipholtz

Articles by
Beth Leipholtz
How Do You Let Go Of Something That Never Was?
He was never mine to care about, so letting him go shouldn’t be an issue. Right?
7 Struggles Of Being A Chronic Overthinker
4. We can’t compartmentalize. If something is wrong in one part of our life, it will likely consume our thoughts in other parts of life as well.
8 Things That Happen When You Lose Your Best Friend
You’ll wrestle with the little things – what to do with all the framed pictures, or how to acknowledge her birthday. You won’t want to throw away the photos or ignore the birthday, but you also won’t want to do what you’ve always done, acting as if everything is normal – because it’s not.
14 Enormous Differences Between My Small Town And The Big City
I’m a small town girl, always have been.
The 11 Cliché Things You Learn After Studying Abroad
Take advantage of the things you won’t have when you return home.
14 Things Being A Female Rugby Player Taught Me
6. Most guys will find that fact that you play a rough, painful sport to be attractive rather than be turned off by it.
30 Qualities Of Highly Dateable Men
There is nothing more attractive than a guy who knows his way around a book.