23 People On The One Piece Of Advice They’d Love To Give To Their Younger Self

Keirsten Marie
Keirsten Marie

Life is a series of inevitable change and the growth that comes with it. Experience is what makes us who we are. Some things we wish we had never done and some things we wish we could relive a million times. These moments shape every part of our lives and make us who we are.

But if you could go back in time and tell yourself what you know now, what would you say? Here’s the advice from people of all ages on advice they’d give their younger counterparts.


1. “Be proud of yourself. Even if you lose it is okay because you played awesome and did a great job and had fun.” — Ella, 7


2. “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” – Mac, 8


3. “If someone is mean to you don’t be mean back to them just walk away or tell an adult. Don’t listen to them because it’s not true.” – Maria, 9


4. “Be nice to mom and dad because someday they won’t have a lot of money. And if you have Mrs. Paige stay away from her desk because she sprays a lot of perfume.” – Grace, 11


5. “Don’t stress out about things because everything usually turns out okay.” – Luke, 12


6. “It doesn’t take anything for you to fit in with the crowd. It takes all of you to stand alone. Real people don’t need to follow the crowd, they are themselves.” – Olivia, 18


7. “Try not to experience the world through the lens on your phone. If you’re going to experience something special, really be present. The world was discovered through exploration, you just may find yourself the same way.” – Liz, 19


8. “Don’t worry about the small stuff. When you fall down it’s okay to mope for a second, but you have to get back up and get over it and work harder the next time. You will survive and it will make you stronger. Remember to always be kind to everyone because you never know they have going on in their life- you never know you could just change someone’s life.” – Rachel, 21


9. “If you ever have the opportunity to pick up and start somewhere new, do it. I can’t even begin to express how much you learn about yourself once you take yourself out of a place where you are familiar into a place or opportunity you don’t.” – Shelby, 25


10. “Travel often- especially abroad. Eat street food. Trek through the jungle and the Himalayas. Surf. Take an overnight train. See ruins. Don’t be afraid to do it alone- the irony is that you’ll rarely actually be alone. You’ll learn more about history, economics and politics than school could ever teach you.” – Erin, 33


11. “You have to be self motivated, responsible, patient, focused, considerate and confident everyday in order to achieve your main goals in life. I know when you are young you always think you know better. In reality, it won’t work that way. You have to pass many struggles and changes, but towards the end there is always something good for you.” – Marian, 39


12. “Don’t stress about what people think of you in high school. Stand up for the things you believe in and be a leader, not a follower. It’s better to be held accountable for what you stand for than because you were weak and went with what everyone else believed in.” – Kathy, 40


13. “Don’t worry about a clean house, spend as much time with your kids as you can. Before you know it, they will be in high school and won’t want to spend any time with you.” – Deanna, 44


14. “Do not doubt for a moment your abilities. Hear your parents because they know you the best. Silence the voices and run towards what you know you want and need. Prepare yourself to achieve that. Don’t waste your time worrying if you’re smart enough, pretty enough, tough enough or fill in the blank. Let go of fear. Trust yourself. You know what is right for you.” – Shelley, 45


15. “Take your time to learn and love yourself so you can be your best in the future. Enjoy each moment and don’t waste time worry. Life is a gift to embrace.” – Colleen, 49


16. “Spend wisely. Don’t argue about money. Marry a good woman.” – Dan, 57


17. “Many young people want to blame others for their problems or failures instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. I think of what my father said to me many times growing up, “don’t make excuses, make good.” These words have inspired me throughout my life. It is important for young people to make good.” – Bev, 66


18. “Always dream big. Want the best from yourself and never think you can’t do something. If you don’t, someone just as smart as you, but with more ambition will fill all of the empty spaces out there just because they took a shot at it.” – Joanne, 69


19. “All you have in life is your name, which is your word and your integrity. How you live, not what you say, is who you really are. Live and enjoy every minute because life goes by so fast.” – Gordon, 72


20. “If anyone hands you the keys to anything say no. Always say no because the more keys you have the more responsibilities you have.” – Goose, 76


21. “If you have the chance to go to college, go and pay attention. I wish I paid more attention in school.” – Will, 78


22. “Count the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves.” – Joe, 82


23. “Do what you gotta do and be glad you got the chance to do it. If you can go to college, go it’s good for you. Make the most of it. Take advantage of what you have. You’ve got to make a living for yourself and your family.” – Phillis, 95 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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