The Princess Bride

21 People Share Their Favorite Movie To Watch When Everything Seriously Sucks

"The Princess Bride!!! I watch it whenever I'm sick, or just feeling kind of down."


You know those days when everything is a giant Suck Fest of Sucking and all you want to do is to crawl into a pile of blankets? The worst, right? And when that happens, you’re not exactly feeling like a social butterfly. But luckily, we have television and movies so if we wanted, we’d never have to interact with society ever again! Hooray! I asked people what their go-to movie to watch is when they’re feeling on the blue side and this is what they had to say:

1. “Absolutely anything with Mary-Kate and Ashley. I own all their DVDs. It Takes Two deserved an Oscar, imo.”

— Liza, 22

It Takes Two
It Takes Two


2.Bridesmaids. I have this theory that it’s impossible to get sick of that movie. God bless you, Kristen Wiig.”

— Cinah, 24



3.Stuck in Love. It’s available on Netflix and I highly recommend it. Like, go right now.”

— M’Lissa, 24

Stuck in Love
Stuck in Love


4.Phantom of the Opera.”

— Tina, 29

The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera.


5.(500) Days of Summer, obviously.”

— Whitney, 25

500 Days of Summer
500 Days of Summer


6. “Not to be a stereotypical dude, but for me it’s gotta be Fight Club.”

— Parker, 27

Fight Club
Fight Club


7.Remember Me. It kills me each time. But I feel better after a solid cry.”

— Riley, 21

Remember Me
Remember Me


8.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

— Victoria, 22

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


9.Clueless. It’s like, totally perfect.”

— Katrina, 28



10. “Spirited Away. Miyazaki films always cheer me up.

— Briana, 25

Spirited Away
Spirited Away


11. “Forrest Gump. I know, I’m weird.”

— Charlie, 31

Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump


12. “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.”

— Tabitha, 19

How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days
How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days


13. “The Princess Bride!!! I watch it whenever I’m sick, or just feeling kind of down.”

— Lulu, 20

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride


14. “Finding Nemo. No matter how old I get, it’ll be Finding Nemo.

— Monica, 24

Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo


15. “Singin’ In The Rain. Gene Kelly gives me the tingles.”

— Alicia, 33

Singin' In The Rain
Singin’ In The Rain


16. “Oh that’s so easy. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I used to watch it whenever I stayed home from school sick. It’s just such a feel-good flick.”

— Sammy, 27

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off


17. “Groundhog Day. Bill Murray. Enough said.”

— Mark, 32

Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day


18. “10 Things I Hate About You. But then I end up crying about Heath Ledger. Ugh.”

— Nelia, 24

10 Things I Hate About You
10 Things I Hate About You


19. “Superbad. I like to laugh my way out of a funk and this movie always does the trick.”

— Dani, 24



20. “Fantastic Mr. Fox.

— Celia, 29

Fantastic Mr. Fox
Fantastic Mr. Fox

21. “The Notebook. Just, yes.”

— Kay, 23

The Notebook
The Notebook


What’s your movie of choice?

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