April Davis

April Davis is Melbourne based writer and student. She’s currently working towards her professional writing and publishing degree and get’s a real kick out of laughing at her own misfortune.
Articles by
April Davis
The Benefits Of Falling In Love With Your Best Friend From High School
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Why I Don’t Regret Getting Married (But I Regret Having A Wedding)
A little over a year ago I had my very own white wedding cliché. After months of stressful planning and teeth grinding at my mother in law to be, I was finally slipping awkwardly out of an overpriced car, in an overpriced dress, ready to walk the aisle in front of a hundred of what I thought were my closest friends and family.
8 Problems Only Curly-Haired Girls Understand
2. You wash your hair before work and it’s still wet when you finish work.
6 Struggles Of Growing Up As The Baby Of The Family
5. You’re always the baby, even when you’re in your 20s.