Anne Thériault
Articles by
Anne Thériault
Life Does Not Always Move In Straight Lines
I’m trying to tell myself that I’m not failing, just taking the long way around.
10 Brutal Signs Feminism Might Not Be For You
You think that one of the goals of the feminist movement should be to make men feel safer or more comfortable about feminism.
Obviously Ross And Rachel Are Divorced: Here’s Where All The “Friends” Are In 2016
In 2012, Ross published a book called “The Science Behind Jurassic Park”, which spent a remarkable twelve weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.
An Open Letter To All Of My Friends Who Take Selfies
Dear Friends Who Take Selfies, I want you to know that I love it when you post pictures of yourself. I know selfies get a lot of bad press, but I think they’re rad.
I Voluntarily Signed Myself Into A Psych Unit
My little book that I’ve been working on for the last few months, My Heart Is An Autumn Garage, came out last week. It’s a short memoir about the breakdown I had in 2003 and my subsequent hospitalization.
10 Lies Depression Tells You
1. You are a bad person who deserves bad things. 2. You are unhappy because you are lazy or lacking in willpower. Happiness is a choice, a choice that you have failed to make.
10 Truths About Love
1. The truth about love is that there is a part of you that honestly believes that giving away all of your love will – no, must – result in receiving some kind of equal love back.
On Selfies, Self-Esteem And Learning To Love My Nose
I’ve been thinking a lot about this interview with Lisa Kudrow about the nose job she got when she was in high school.