Anne Gus

Articles by
Anne Gus
An Open Letter To Iggy Azalea: You’re A Racist And A Phony
By not being clear about not being black, you’ve made me look like a totally racist bitch in front of my entire college.
It’s Time We Sent All Short Men To The Gas Chambers
When you think about it, men under 6 feet shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce, I swear—short guys should seriously be illegal.
7 Tips On How To Raise A Boy Right (Feminist Style)
Abort him.
Your Boyfriend Cheated On You With Me, But It’s Your Fault
He cleaned my chimney good—better than he ever cleaned yours.
HELP! Fuglies Won’t Stop Pretty-Shaming Me
Being this pretty makes me an easy target for pretty-shaming. Other women are like, really intimidated by me, and are really bitchy behind my back.
7 Things To Do When He, Like, Hurts Your Feels
It’s a sign of strength to cry, especially when you’ve gone through something that no girl should have to go through.
If You’re Not Comfortable With Having Casual Sex, You’re Not A Real Woman
Modern women are sexually liberated. We are supposed to have as much sex as possible with as many strangers as we can, because we can!
Black Men Need To Stop Dating White Women
How can you betray your own people?
Dear Asians, I Am Not The Enemy
All I’m trying to do is to save you Asian Women from White men. I mean it.
Asian Women Need To Stop Dating White Men
How can you not realize that you’re being exploited badly by these White scumbags?
9 Reasons I’m Never Having Kids (And You Shouldn’t Either)
Do you not realize that this is exactly what the Patriarchy wants you to do?
If You’re An Android User, You’re A Misogynist
The women of the tech industry are still marginalized on a daily basis. This is not OK.
Why All Women Should Do Porn At Least Once
To reclaim your body, your sexuality and your sex appeal is truly is a powerful way to stick it to the patriarchy and to challenge the way society views female bodies.
Sorry Dudes: Here’s 5 Reasons That Girl You Like Doesn’t Want Anything To Do With You
It’s simple. I need to feel like a princess and how can I do that with Danny Devito-esque “men” tugging at my sleeves?