Anita Fosen

Journalism student, blogger, globetrotter and hopeless romantic. Check out Anita’s blog at Dine Wine Love.
Articles by
Anita Fosen
Don’t Tell Me It Was Bad Timing, Just Tell Me That I Wasn’t A Priority
Whatever it is, I don’t think it is fair of you to blame it on time.
Please Don’t Waste My Time
So don’t you dare to place your lips on mine, if those lips are also going to be the ones saying a final goodbye just when I had gotten used to them being around.
I Used To Be Afraid, But Then I Learned To Live Life Without You
Starting life over without you and our toxic relationship, taught me that I can actually manage to survive by myself.
I Should Have Told You That I Wasn’t Ready To Love You
But instead I quickly retracted my hand as if you had burnt me, when you were the most cooling and soothing of all. I was too scared to show you.
5 Ways To Overcome Jealousy In The Age Of Social Media
No matter how hard you work for something or how good you look, there is always going to be someone better, right?