Amy Horton

Speak your truth. Be kind. Stay present. And don’t forget to play!
Articles by
Amy Horton
A Short List Of Things To Remember When It’s 2 AM And You Can’t Stop Thinking About Them
Life is fluid, and people come and go.
I Forgive You For Not Being Able To Love Me The Way I Needed
I am here to take responsibility for my choices.
12 Hidden Ways High-Functioning Depression Completely Devastates Your Life
When you’re spending all of your energy covering them up, you’ll never fix them.
If You’re Feeling Entirely Unlovable, Read This
You are worthy. You are beautiful. You are so incredibly lovable.
It’s Time For You To Take Back Your Power
You’ve got this. You really do.
A Story About What I Would Tell You If You Came Back
I would tell you that I’m so glad you’re back, I really am. But … we need to take things slow. After all, you did leave me.
When I Can’t Sleep Because Of Missing You
It’s happened again.
How To Love A Woman Who Has Had To Survive On Her Own
She’s a special person, the woman who never had any help.
How Long Am I Going To Still Miss You?
Everything that I do reminds me of you in some way or another. I cannot even touch myself anymore without crumbling at the knowledge that I’ll never feel the tender electricity of your embrace again.
I Want To Let You Go, But I’m Too Angry
Fuck you for letting me go and fuck me for letting myself fall for you.
My Heart Won’t Let You Go
Sometimes it’s as if I’m sinking into a chasm of loneliness that I’ve dug on my own like all I’ve done in my life is fall into one misstep after another.
Sometimes The Only Thing You Can Do Is Let Them Go
Try your best not to use that time clinging on to people or situations that, despite your deepest genuine efforts, must develop in a different direction than you hoped. Strive to find the peace that comes with releasing expectations.
Remember This When You Wish You’d Never Met Them
Remember that no matter how painful everything feels in this moment, it will get better.
If You Can’t Contribute Emotionally To A Relationship, Don’t Be In One
I am so incredibly tired of being told that I deserve the world, but that the particular person I’m with just isn’t willing to be the one who gives it to me.
The Truth Behind My HPV Diagnosis And How It Turned My Life Into Unnecessary Chaos
If we took the embarrassment out of the conversation so that everyone who struggles with HPV or any other STI could feel okay about it, the world would be a happier place.
13 Truths You Need To Know About HPV
Serious health problems can develop, such as cervical or other forms of cancer, but approximately 90% of cases are cleared from the body by the immune system without the person ever knowing it was there.
8 Signs You’re Being Misunderstood Because You’re An Extroverted Introvert
If you’re an extroverted introvert and you feel like no one gets you, you’re not alone.
Your Soul Is Guiding You, You Just Have To Listen
You know the truth. Deep down, you’ve always known it.