Alexis Meads

Alexis Meads is a Professional Dating Coach and Dating Expert. She has devoted her life to helping women all over the world love themselves and create extraordinary relationships.
Articles by
Alexis Meads
5 Mantras For Those Who Have Lost Hope In Finding Love
“My experience wasn’t wasted because it made me stronger.”
4 Honest Reasons Why You Still Can’t Seem To Get Over Your First Love
Give yourself a chance to love again, to feel again, and to live again.
9 Things To Remember When You’re Healing After A Longterm Breakup
Breakups and transitions in life are the perfect opportunity to let go of a situation and open yourself to better possibilities coming your way.
The 5 Non-Negotiable Things You Need To Do If You Want Your Relationship To Last
Long-term relationships take a lot of forgiving if you want them to work.
Read This When He Stops Talking To You Out Of Nowhere, And You Don’t Know What To Do
You’re left questioning yourself. Wondering what you did wrong, what you might have said or shouldn’t have said, whether you should’ve just slept with him instead of holding off.
How To Know If You’re Being Too Needy Or If He’s Emotionally Unavailable
The question if you’re being too needy or a man is emotionally unavailable cannot begin to be answered without first understanding your particular patterns in a relationship.
This Is How You Stop Obsessing Over Your Crush
It’s important to accept that and know when to move on.
If You Want To Find Someone To Date For Real, You Have To Have This One Thing
Why is it that so many of us think we’re not worthy of love?
How To Get Him To Be The One To Chase You
You always were and continue to be far more powerful than you even know. And you have the power to choose the kind of love you want in your life.
How To Tell If A Guy Is Really ‘The One’
It’s not that I don’t believe in soul mates and Mr. Right – but I think there can be more than one person who fits that role.
Texting And Dating Etiquette: Are You Keeping Him Interested Or Pushing Him Away?
Pretend your phone is like a land line and that sending a text message means something! It won’t give you the unrealistic expectation that you’re going to hear from this guy every day or that you should text daily.
10 Things People Who Are Great At Relationships Do Differently
Self-fulfilling prophecies will come true if you expect them to. Period. If you expect for your relationship to fail, then chances are it probably will.
How To Help Ease The Pain Of Your Aching Heart
The secret to getting over a breakup lies within you. If you find yourself continuing down the same path with the same type of guys, then commit to uncovering and healing your patterns.
The 3 Most Important Things To Remember When You Feel Unsure Of Yourself
The meaning that you give to things, the questions you ask yourself, and the story you tell yourself every single moment is what’s shaping and molding your reality.
5 Qualities Of A Conscious Relationship That Will Stand The Test Of Time
In a conscious relationship, each person respects their partner above all else. They may sometimes disagree with them, they may not always be attracted to them, but they always have an appreciation and respect for them.
Single? Here Are 5 Ways To Have The Best Valentine’s Day Ever
Remember that love is always available to you, no matter who you are or what current phase of life you’re in.