Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most Honest To Complete Lying-Ass Bitches

Sagittarius girls couldn’t tell a convincing lie if they wanted to—and they don’t want to, anyway. If they have a flaw, it’s that they might be a little too truthful and sometimes can’t tell the difference between being honest and being hurtful. Is it really such a virtue to “keep it real” if you’re really hurting someone else’s feelings? But beyond their occasional slip-ups when it comes to being unintentionally blunt, Sag girls view honesty as the highest moral virtue—in their idea of a perfect world, everyone would be telling the truth.
If you’re wearing shoes that look dumb, the first thing an Aries girl will say to you is, “Hi, how are you—and what’s with the dumb-looking shoes?” These girls are a fearless breed and aren’t the least bit afraid of getting into an argument about your dumb-looking shoes. They don’t see the point in sidestepping or sweetening the bitter truth. If you tell them that they hurt your feelings with their comments about your shoes, they’ll shrug and say, “That’s too bad, but I care more about my feelings—and I feel that your shoes look dumb.”
3. LEO
These noble lionesses fear nothing, and that includes the truth. They see no value in lying, whether it’s to hurt someone or to spare their feelings from being hurt. If a girlfriend of theirs asks whether a dress looks good and it doesn’t, they’ll give an honest answer rather than have their friend be the butt of everyone’s sniping and whispered insults. They view their honesty as a matter of pride. But being a prideful bunch, they may lie a little bit—only to themselves, just to spare their ego.
Cancers are painfully honest in romantic relationships because they want to know exactly where they stand with their partner. If they feel it’s really over, they’ll tell their partner that to spare both of them the pain of living an agonizing lie for another six months or even ten years. On the rare occasion that they do lie, it’s never to protect themselves from trouble; it’s always to protect someone else’s feelings.
There are two types of lies—those that harm and those that protect someone from harm. The latter are known as “white lies,” and this is Virgo’s specialty. She never tells the type of lie that hurts someone else. But if her boyfriend shows up for a date unwashed and with his hair out of place and his breath stinking of onion, she’ll tell him that he looks and smells so great, they should immediately disrobe and take a shower together. By telling little white lies, she makes things better for both herself and her boyfriend.
As a sign that absolutely hates drama and conflict, Taurus will tell lies just to keep the peace. Rather than admitting that they don’t want to go to the concert with you because they hate your favorite band, they’ll tell you that a friend just went out of town and they have to go feed their cats. If you get a haircut that’s so bad it looks like the stylist paid a prank on you, a Taurus will call it “cute” and say it really brings out your eyes.
Scorpios will be brutally honest toward you and brutally dishonest to themselves. You could be identical twins dressed and styled exactly the same, and a Scorpio will say that you look awful and she looks like a queen. You can trust everything she says about you and nothing she says about herself.
If it’s a sunny day and a Capricorn is feeling happy, she will hardly be able to contain her smile. But if you ask her why she’s so happy, she won’t tell you it’s because she just had sex with a coworker during her lunch break and she might be in love. She will be completely honest about her feelings but will lie like a little demon if it keeps her out of trouble.
If that dress makes you look fat and you ask an Aquarius, she will say, “Yes, that dress makes you look fat.” But if your weight gain is caused by diabetes and you can’t afford the sort of healthcare that would help you get the proper treatment, that same Aquarius will march right down with you to the local clinic and lie on every possible application form to make sure you’re covered. Aquarians will lie when they think there’s a higher cause involved—they think the ends justify the means, and if they can lie to help a friend, they’ll lie their pretty little heads off.
Pisces are very good at lying, which makes them very bad people in the eyes of many. What makes their brand of dishonesty unique is that they’re extremely adept at self-deception—she may feel completely honest when she tells you that she’s feeling great, but that’s only because she fooled herself into actually believing it. Pisces are the best at telling lies without even knowing it.
Libras have a bad reputation for being fake and two-faced. They can be very charming, but deep down in your guts you get the sense she’s only acting that way because she wants something from you—whether it’s a spare cigarette or your boyfriend’s phone number. They’re very honest with themselves, which is why they’re well aware how dishonest they are with almost everyone else.
How can you tell a Gemini is lying? Because her lips are moving! Would you expect complete honesty from a sign whose symbol is basically a split personality? The Twins not only lie a lot, they can’t even keep track of their own lies, so they’ll keep piling lies on top of one another until the whole house of cards crumbles. And then she’ll lie about the fact that she ever lied in the first place.