What Each Sign Should Expect From The Last Mercury Retrograde Of 2020

Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Scorpio beginning October 13th up until November 3rd which will bring a lot of dynamic moments. Mercury will retrograde back into the sign of Libra on the 27th, giving us an opportunity to redo and revisit some of the things that were left unfinished in September. We will feel a lot of pressure during this transit as Mercury deals with Saturn once it returns to Libra during the second part of its journey. It will be hard to get information and to effectively communicate in that time. Mercury in Cardinal sign facing off with other Cardinal planets in unfavorable aspects will once again remind us to be patient. Luckily, Mars will not have a great impact on Mercury this time around, but we are still prompted to take things slow and to be extra careful with what we say and do. We have the Venus transit in Libra to look forward to on the 7th, adding some benefic influence on Mercury as we close in on November 3rd.

Aries – A major period for Aries with Mars in your sign and now Mercury creating some nauseating circumstances for you regarding your personal life. This retrograde will have you revisiting some of the memories in the past since you could have exes or old friends trying to send you messages. Use this period to officially make peace, let go and move on. While Mercury stays in Scorpio, this can be seen as a groundbreaking period for you to cut the chains giving you a fresh start. Mercury in Libra empowers you to be diplomatic and graceful as you make room for the new path in your life.

Taurus – With Mercury having its time in both Libra and Scorpio, you will have a period of dealing with potential colleagues and business partners. Let yourself shine during this transit and let everyone know just what you are made of. Expect yourself to receive a little bit more recognition while Mercury is in Scorpio. All eyes will be on you and how you carry yourself. Choose your words wisely because when Mercury retrogrades back into Libra on the 27th, your previous actions could make or break your relationships with others.

Gemini – Appreciate this retrograde period to reconnect with who you are and your abilities. You are finding your footing now during this transit, bringing a period of rebuilding the ego and the feeling of empowerment. With this retrograde, find your muses through your friends and family. There could be a lot of creative insight instore for you as long as you have faith in yourself. Saturn is direct, so you feel the self-doubts melting away. Now you are ready to tackle on challenges and go forward.

Cancer – There could be some interesting news headed your way during this retrograde and you will feel inspired to investigate further since it could relate to topics involving friends and family. While Mercury is in Scorpio, you should focus on meeting deadlines and staying on top of plans since you will experience frustrations with redoing and revising things that you assumed were over with. Mars will also be there to provide more cloudiness and frustrations, so make sure to practice patience. Rushing will get you nowhere.

Leo – Mercury in Scorpio will be a period where you will prefer some solitary moments that will help you to get some introspection as well as the focus needed to further your career. Your habits now are being observed and you might feel a little more driven given the trine Mars has with your sign. Mercury in Scorpio will have you revisit, redo and perfect anything you have outstanding. When Mercury moves back into Libra, expect a time where your focus will shift into planning and promptness. Start things earlier to give yourself some breathing room so you are not overwhelmed by deadlines and unwanted delays.

Virgo – Venus will still be in your sign while Mercury is in Scorpio. Expect a period where things can flow easier for you (assuming you practice patience) and you are able to express yourself with a lot of ease and confidence thanks to the sextile Mercury will make to your sign. As Venus and Mercury meet up on the 27th, your focus will be more on yourself as you manage to find a solid footing on how you value yourself and the way others perceive you. Focus on things that bring you happiness during this transit by letting to of what is holding you back.

Libra – It will be a good time to do some focusing on you during this transit. While in Scorpio, you will have the opportunity to evaluate and investigate anything that is making you worried. Mercury here would like you to have things in order, especially if you feel out of your equilibrium. Try to find your balance before mercury retrogrades back in your sign on October 27th. You are in for some surprises with Saturn direct and the Sun moving into Scorpio. Your outlook on who you are as well as your journey and goals will take center stage around this time.

Scorpio – Your season is coming up and Mercury is already in your sign allowing you to feel more in sync with yourself. However, there could be misunderstandings which is typical of this transit, so try and be very clear about what you are communicating with others. Do not feel frustrated if you must repeat yourself, since it is just part of the process. On the 27th, Mercury and Venus join in the same sign of Libra. Here you will experience a transit that will make you have some psychic revelations. It is best to rest easy and relax then until Mercury goes direct on the 3rd of November.

Sagittarius – Retrograde season will have you breaking out and breaking away from your groups as well as thoughts that have held you back. You are in for a very intense transit as Mercury in Scorpio navigates through your subconscious, giving you a chance to replay things from the past that might tie into failed relationships as well as abandoned projects. It will take a lot out of you, especially if you are trying your best now to move on from the past. Keep at it, you will receive your answers as Mercury shifts back into the sign of Libra on the 27th, allowing you to revisit some old friendships and understanding if those relationships have run their course or not. Forgive yourself and free yourself this retrograde.

Capricorn – 2020 has filled you with a lot of responsibilities and pressures as your ruler continues to play an active role during these transits, Mercury retrograde included. Here you will experience a heightened focus on your output and how the work you have done all of these months has translated with those who you report to. Stay focused, keep going and try to be patient with the pressures from Mars on your sign. Mercury will square off with Saturn on November 1st, adding pressures to your career house. Make sure not to let the frustrations get to you and remember to revise your work and practice patience with others.

Aquarius – All eyes will surely be on you during this transit since it can serve as an illuminating and educational period. Here you will find the tools needed as you become more aware of your direction and what your goals are for the future. Expect changes in your ideology as you explore once again different philosophies. Your work begins to take center stage as we all prepare for the Saturn transit in your sign. View this moment as an essential time to get your motivation up, your vision in action and to shift your outlook to positive things to come.

Pisces – Quite a powerful transit in store for you as Mercury in Scorpio heightens your intuition, with the trine it will make to your sign. Prepare for a period of research and enlightenment, especially once Mercury crosses back into the sign of Libra. Mercury in Scorpio will bring lessons and allow you to receive some guidance. Your search of truth will lead to answers this transit. This is a time for self-discovery as you once again reclaim your power and sense of purpose.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.