What The Full Moon In Sagittarius Means For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What The Full Moon In Sagittarius Means For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Full Moons represent the beginning for me. The Full Moon will happen June 17th, 2019 but the effects will be felt for quite some time this year. Known as the optimist of the zodiac, the Archer likes to look ahead and point to what they are aiming for before taking charge. This is a time of bravery, hope and self reliance as well as trust. We take charge, aim higher than before in hopes to transform into better versions of ourselves.

Aries — The Full Moon brings the opportunity to make corrections to plans that have not gone the way you originally planned them. Think things through and study them in order to perfect them. Patience is not your virtue but if you take the time to read and carefully discern things, you will experience rewards later on.

Taurus — You may obsess over finances or not. The Full Moon in Sagittarius brings you to find inner peace with things that have been troubling you for some time. Take the time to breathe in and out as meditating will allow you to have a clearer sense. Taurus should make sure not to spend a lot of money as Venus is in Gemini. But do feel free to pamper yourself and give yourself self love.

Gemini — With the Full Moon in opposition to your sign you will experience how easy it is to trust people and want to create solid partnerships. This is the perfect time to socialize during your birthday season and enjoy the wonderful vibrations that this period will bring. This season is filled with love, harmony and surprises for you.

Cancer — Cancers will be focused on working as much as possible during this transit. As a Cardinal sign, you will make sure to keep the hustle flowing as Venus brings harmony to the workplace and will make you focus on you. You will also want to feel the beauty experience or you might be filled with so much energy, you’ll start a workout regimen to maintain the stamina.

Leo — It’s going to be a magical moment for you as your mind is in sync with the dream world and you will be inspired by the fun times you will have with the people you meet. This is a lovely way to kick off the summer as you embrace the love and joy the Full Moon will bring.

Virgo — It will be a mellow period during this Full Moon for Virgo. You will prefer to keep it low key and spend more time with loved ones as well as close friends. A trip to IKEA would make you feel comfort as well as any home improvement plans. Experience the harmony Venus will bring to your reputation, because it will help create the sweet balance you’ve been craving this year.

Libra — Libras will experience nervous energy during the Sagittarius Full Moon. Get ready to feel more courageous expressing yourselves and getting your point across. Your words can be sweet or sour depending on your mood, so make sure to think before you speak. Expect short and sweet trips filled with excitement that will make you forget the mundane (briefly).

Scorpio — This month will make Scorpios more astute when it comes to handling problems. You will have the tools needed to resolve things as well as make more financial gains for yourself, especially with the Sun and Venus in Gemini, amplifying your gifts and helping you understand your worth.

Sagittarius — The Full Moon in your sign makes you feel like a true believer. Whatever setbacks have happened these past couple of months will only help to empower you and make you feel more controlled and alive. This is the time for the purging and renovation. You will transform and come back stronger, just wait and see.

Capricorn — You will want to retreat from the world as you recharge your batteries during this hectic Gemini Season. Capricorns have been putting in the work for the last couple of years and this Full Moon will remind you that it is important to occasionally treat yourself and take a break when needed.

Aquarius — The Full Moon will give you insight into how to make changes for yourself emotionally and spiritually. However, your new understanding should be used to teach others and help those that are going through challenging times. Your energy will be more magnetic than usual, casting a light on the people that are truly there for you and those who are not.

Pisces — For many Pisces this has been a relaxed and reserved period of time. It has been the major theme for you this year as you have reflected on what needs to be changed and what things need to be improved for your own growth. This beneficial energy that the Full Moon brings allows for you to aim higher than before in your career.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.