Nathan Dumlao

Here’s How Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

This retrograde is nothing to fear, actually.


Many of us have been hyping the thrills and chills of spooky season. Little did we know there’s another sneaky, crawly, darkness dwelling monster right around the corner— Mercury retrograde.

And it’s taking place in 27°38’ Scorpio. On October 31, 2019— the day of Halloween. Dun, dun, DUN!

This retrograde is nothing to fear, actually. Technological issues typically accompany Mercury retrogrades, as its the planet ruling all matters of the mind— communication, personal technology, networks, commerce, smaller-scale travel, etc. We may see more problems arise with data, privacy, passwords, or anything of the sort with this retrograde in Scorpio. However, it mostly affects how we think, process information, to include how we (interpersonally) deal with it.

Indeed, this retrograde is here to help us clean out the skeletons from our closets. Whether it means squirting those pesky exes away with a water bottle or finally putting to rest an old version of yourself. A good time to purge unneeded phone storage, clutter in your living space, and people who no longer serve any purpose in your life.

The reason cultures celebrate their own versions of Halloween is to honor their dead ancestors and what was, so to speak. From Latinx cultures celebrating Dias De Los Muertos to our Halloween, we all find significance in what is said to be this “portal” between worlds that opens between October 31-November 2. A reminder to never forget where we come or to not fear what’s unfamiliar or unknown.

I think many of us view time as linear. Once wiping the Joker makeup from the face or taking off the fairy wings after Halloween festivities, we’re still being forced to confront our darker sides that go beyond the holiday— to include our own fantasies and buried anxieties. Embrace the dark and don’t be afraid to sit in it.

Closing out 2019 with a Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is hella important for how 2020 will play out. We’re about 2 months away from entering a new decade— Roarin’ 20s, round 2— where this personal, social, and cultural shift will especially be pronounced. We have Mars entering Aries for a whole 6 months, in addition to our biannual Mars retrograde, happening September 2020 (and literally doesn’t go direct until Election Day). To top it all off, another Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is happening in October 2020 during the Mars retrograde.

A lot that happens this retrograde will repeat itself to you down the road… so pay attention! Retrogrades are not linear events. They play off each other and are puzzle pieces to the mystery we’re trying to solve.

These forecasts are written based on your sun and rising sign. I strongly suggest you check both. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can generate your natal chart here.

Aries/Aries Rising:

You may need a little more than a flashlight this retrograde, Aries. Mercury backtracks in your 8th house of transformation, commitments, joint finances, debts, and power. Mars is following in your 7th house of relationships, partnerships, and agreements. The 8th house already shadows whatever is in it— and it especially doesn’t help having Mercury retrograde in it, either.

Something you overlooked with your finances or legal paperwork may be coming back to bite you in the behind. Or, in the very least, you’re being asked to not take on so much so you don’t overlook important details. Take your time. Be aware of any power plays or someone trying to keep score on you— whether it be a boss, family member, partner, teacher, or anyone of the sort. Keep in mind your perception may not be clear at the moment. Whatever nuisances frustrating you will pass. Use your light and positive attitude to guide the way. It’ll tell everyone what they need to know about you.

Taurus/Taurus Rising:

Spook season shifting into your 7th house of relationships, partnerships, and agreements is fitting for Taurus. Many of you have put yourself out there in love or even just companionship. No matter how good your intentions are (or how good of a hugger you are), it may have felt you can’t do anything right when it comes to your partner or anything of the sort. In turn, you may feel a bit high strung or indifferent to the situation. For others, it can simply be over-investing in your relationship and putting your health on the back burner.

With Mars following behind in your 6th house of health, routines, and work, your natural tendency to let issues roll off your back can take a toll on your mental or physical health. If communication seems futile, channel your focus into your daily activities. Get back on a workout regimen and be mindful of what you consume. Perhaps you’ve neglected this area of your life due to said stress or distractions. Settle relationship issues later when you’ve got your own energetic space sorted out. Your pets, some good music, and your choice of green should do the trick.

Gemini/Gemini Rising:

The growing pains are real, Gemini. Mercury backtracking in your 6th house of health, routines, and work means it’s time to check in with your physical body. You may feel more drained than usual or self-cautious about your body or looks. Any new health regimens may backfire, especially if you have allergies or any health conditions. More importantly, anything health-related may stem from strong anxieties robbing your peace of mind.

With Mars following behind in your 5th house of creativity, entertainment, and passion, now’s a good time to catch back up with any activities you truly enjoy. Put your energy into something that you can show for after the fact. Lighthearted romance is okay, but don’t expect much to stick. Never hurts to brush up on your game. All you need this retrograde is some water, regulated social media time, good friends, and some happiness for you to glow again.

Cancer/Cancer Rising:

Looks like this retrograde is giving you a curfew, Cancer. Mercury backtracking in your 5th house of creativity, entertainment, and passion may put some casual situationships or fun plans on the back burner. Others of you may experience creativity blocks or “stuck” in any creative pursuit. With Mars following in your 4th house of home, family, and comfort, the damper on any excitement you had may be connected to just that. Some of you may have your final straw in a living situation with a partner, family member, or roommate. Others may be getting too comfortable somewhere while knowing you aren’t meant to be there.

Whatever it is, now’s the time to really reflect. Perhaps not making any moving out plans or introducing new partners to the family just yet. Maybe you haven’t been available as you once were, especially with the eclipse cycle. That’s okay. You’ve needed to put yourself first. However, take this retrograde to bridge those gaps between you and whoever is on your mind. Tend to your space. You’ll be glad you did.

Leo/Leo Rising:

Time to feng shui your life, Leo. Mercury backtracks in your 4th house of family, home, and comfort zones. Whether you’ve been adjusting to a new living situation or trying to switch things up, you’re craving a nice space to just be in. You may feel more compelled to 3 AM room rearrangement sessions but perhaps save the energy. Anything home related should involve thorough decluttering and purging. Now isn’t a good time for starting any big home improvement projects.

You could also be dealing with those you live with and feeling like you can’t operate within your own space. With Mars following behind in your 3rd house of commutation, locality, and friendship, now may be a good time to rekindle friendships and socialize. Find a reason to get out of the house. Live lightly for the next month. Don’t take anything too personally at this time.

Virgo/Virgo Rising:

Are you feeling a bit scatterbrained, Virgo? Your planet is backtracking in your 3rd house of communication, friendship, and personal technologies in your case. May want to double-check on your passwords, software updates, car maintenance, or any possible technical issues you may have neglected out of financial worrisome, time reasons, etc.

Your lingering anxieties will likely feel heightened at this time. In turn, you could be forgetful or careless with interpersonal matters. With Mars following in your 2nd house of finances and self-esteem, don’t be surprised if financial opportunity awaits. You first have to be prepared for it. Remember you can set your own goals or do things on your own time. Now’s the time to be diligent with what you do or say— to include how you do or say it. Make your intentions clear. Take care of yourself in the process.

Libra/Libra Rising:

Do you want or need it? The question you, the slightly indecisive Libra, may be asking yourself now. Good news— this retrograde isn’t requiring you to have an answer right now! Mercury is backtracking in your 2nd house of finances and self-esteem. Many may feel as if finances are a bit rigid or limited. Others of you are thinking long term and looking for both stability and fulfillment.

Mars is following in your 1st house of self-identity, appearance, and style. Your creativity is evolving into something that’s more authentic for you— whether it’s an artistic, academic, entrepreneurial, or work pursuit. However, sometimes the creative routes are less convincing. Spend this time learning to show up for yourself. Flirt with self-experimentation. Channel your creativity into reinventing how you express yourself. It’s preparing you for the career and livelihood changes you’ll continue to experience for the next few months.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

The ghosts of your past may come around to haunt you, Scorpio. It’s nothing to fear. Significant life changes from the last 6 months have been deeply transformative. Both bitter and sweet. Mercury backtracking in your 1st house of self-identity and appearance is making this a time better for inner rather than outer transformation. Perhaps keep the scissors from your head and maybe use them to cut out whatever in your life no longer serving you. Now’s the time to learn who it is you want to present to the world, even if the vulnerability you experience may feel heavy at first.

This retrograde may also send you into an overthinking frenzy— largely pertaining to how you perceive yourself from a past situation. Mars is following in your 12th house of the past, spirituality, and “nothingness”. Remember “nothing” is the space for creation. You may be destroying a past belief system or an old version of yourself. Your past shapes you— not defines you. You have to sit with it. Own it. You’ll never know true liberation until you confront everything that destroyed you. A case of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Only then can you reclaim your power.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

No matter how many people we have around us, it sometimes doesn’t change the loneliness. You may especially feel this sentiment now, Sagittarius. Life has probably been relatively good to you. With the blessings, however, also come the anxieties and inhibitions. Mercury backtracking in your 12th house of spirituality, closure, and the past could have you second-guessing the recent life-changing decisions you’ve made. Others may feel as if a huge chapter is closing out.

Move through this retrograde with your heart and spirit— not your mind. Make peace with what was. Mars is following in your 11th house of community, social media, and groups. Now’s a great time to connect with likeminded people who share similar interests and struggles. Especially if you feel drawn inwards, social media allows for the best of both worlds. Perhaps experiment with your social media presence. Engage with online forums or community events. Do what you have to do to realize you aren’t alone with whatever you’re experiencing.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising:

Time to dust out the old cobwebs, Capricorn. The nodes in your sign have called for deep transformations in recent months. Mercury is backtracking in your 11th house of community, groups, and social media. Whether it be less traction on social media or choosing to withdraw yourself, the social scene may seem a bit slow for you at this time. Some of you are re-evaluating who you share interests with versus who you’re better off without. Others of you are wanting to re-establish your social presence.

Mars following in your 10th house of destiny, career goals, and life purpose is pushing you to reset your intentions on what you hope to achieve— to include how you achieve it. Now’s a time to distinguish how you want to be seen with respect to your individuality versus likeminded values you share with others. You have to be impeccable with your intentions. Even if you don’t have it all figured out during retrograde, taking some alone time will help.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising:

Just when you thought things were finally going right, Aquarius. Mercury backtracking in your 10th house of destiny, career, and life purpose is pushing you to re-evaluate what career path you’re pursuing. For those on track, nuisances with business communications may frustrate you. Others of you may be reconsidering your career track, perhaps due to interest, location, or job level.

With Mars following in your 9th house of expansion, higher education, and travel, you may consider going back to school or moving somewhere more promising for your future. Thankfully you don’t have to have all the answers during retrograde. Now’s the time to ask yourself what gives your life meaning and how can you achieve it. That’s the spark you need to make things happen.

Pisces/Pisces Rising:

Faith could really be tested at this time, Pisces. Mercury backtracking in your 9th house of higher education, expansion, and travel may feel like you’re in search of a certain truth on anything pertaining to a serious commitment. Perhaps this has to do with relationship, degree, or just your grander ambitions. Many of you have leveled up in one or more of these areas. It may seem difficult to balance them to where you can make both yourself and others happy.

With Mars following in your 8th house of commitments, desires, and sex, you could receive unexpected insight, truths, or news on anything such as engagements, pregnancies, marriages, divorces, etc. Be sure to exercise patience at this time. Remember good things can be hidden too. Center yourself with your heart. Know what it is you desire. You’re great at feeling it out— which will help you glide through this retrograde.