Jayson Hinrichsen

9 Major Holidays That Correspond With Their Zodiac Season

So if astrology isn't real... then why are holidays corresponding with their zodiac season? Hmmmm?


Holidays are one of the most important social constructions we could’ve created in terms of leisure, spirituality, and the overall role it has in shaping our society. In a sense, holidays are almost like the silver linings of both the positive and negative aspects of human history. We often think of them as capitalistic ventures to turn a profit or experiences which we all have to practice identically.In reality, it’s us [humanity] all trying to make sense of how timing is significant in relation to the human experience.

It’s fascinating how– despite cultural or perceptual differences– the timing which we each choose to commemorate our energy is strongly similar to one another. After all, every holiday mentioned is somehow based on solar or lunar cycles. Scientists can research why phenomenon such as groupthink stems from other social processes, but why is it those thingy things lighting up our sky make all of us feel a type of way… at the same time?

Considering we can’t touch or move planets to manipulate their energy, all we can do is observe them and manipulate our own energy to reap the most of the present moment. It all goes back to psychological antiquity— the fact astrology is the summation of the human experience through spacetime. What we can do better next time to better ourselves to fulfill our roles as co-creators.

More importantly, I’d argue holidays are the most basic observations we have in determining the relationship between time and consciousness. So if astrology isn’t real… then why are holidays corresponding with their zodiac season? Hmmmm?

Here’s 9 major holidays observed– more or less– in different parts of the world.

1. New Year’s Day—TBD

The first holiday to start with is New Year’s Day because it’s a bit controversial. We measure time based on solar and lunar cycles (depending on the culture). For this reason, I interpret the holiday’s correspondence to its zodiac season in a few ways.

Most countries celebrate New Years anywhere between December 30-January 1. However, China celebrates their New Year on a different date each year depending on the solar or lunar year—as individuals use both based on preference. The date usually staggers between January 19-February 20. Hence, Capricorn and Aquarius season occupy these dates.

In Western astrology, Capricorn generally rules 10th house matters of success, discipline, destiny, hard work, legacy, and so forth. Capricorn season begins with the winter solstice (December 20)—which is when the sun is at the highest point in the sky. Checks out considering the holiday is marked by New Year resolutions and “new me, who dis”. For the Chinese, their celebrations are different, as many customs are focused on sharing, giving back, and grand contributions. Aquarius (the 11th house) essentially rules the future—to include humanitarianism, community, and innovation. While China is a collectivist culture, it’s still interesting how their different practices still correspond with its zodiac season.

2. Valentine’s Day—Aquarius Season

Much like the sign of Aquarius, the origins of Valentine’s Day is rather unconventional and a bit all over the place. However, the story of St. Valentine is definitely fitting for its corresponding season. February 14 is Valentine’s Day apparently because not just one but two St. Valentines were executed on this same day. The St. Valentine we use, however, wasn’t a romantic himself but instead married other Christian couples during the 200-100 AD era. He was considered a martyr for Christians considering this all took place during the Roman Empire was at its pinnacle (until he was executed). So in other words, the ultimate wingman of his time. *cough cough, Aquarius*

Ironically, the holiday of love and romance takes place in the 11th house, whereas Aquarius isn’t what we’d exactly call a romantic. However, this is symbolic to Valentine’s story—bearing others opportunities to love each other rather than one self. Aquarius specifically rules humanitarianism, collective effort, sociality, revolution, innovation, and service to humanity. Even if Valentine’s Day seems like a manufactured holiday created by a capitalistic society, Aquarius is the rebel in disguise aiming to better human ingenuity. Valentine’s Day and its origins are perhaps fitting for Aquarius season after all.

3. St. Patrick’s Day—March 17

St. Patty’s is more than green beer and shamrock beads. In origin, this holiday commemorates the death of Christian missionary, Saint Patrick. What make his name worth celebrating are his efforts in spreading Christianity to Ireland—therefore having implications for the future of what is now Western Europe. After being captured at age 6, he was enslaved until he later escaped back to Roman Britain. However, he eventually returned to Ireland to pursue missionary work.

March 17 takes place during Pisces season. Pisces (the 12th house) rules the past— including confinement, imprisonment, nothingness, liberation, and spirituality. It also rules closures and endings—which is fitting considering he was a slave and a missionary. In astrology, Christianity is marked by the Age of Pisces. Hence, the Jesus fish. “Uncanny coincidence”, my a–.

4. Easter—TBD

Easter is a Christian holiday typically dated in early April—though it has taken place at the end of March. Today, Easter’s date is on the Sunday following the last full moon before the spring equinox. In summation, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ and the “rebirth” of our souls. Passover, the Jewish celebration around the same time as Easter, commemorates the escape of Israelites from slavery—therefore marking ultimate freedom.

Both holidays take place during Aries season. Aries (the 1sthouse) generally rules individuality, identity, new beginnings, leadership, appearance, and so forth. Keep in mind religious persecution has everything to do with identity clashes based on evidently different characteristics such as skin color, beliefs, etc. Most importantly, Easter and Passover marking “rebirth” is fitting for Aries season.

5. Labor Day—Virgo Season

Labor Day has more depth to its history than one would expect. It was declared a holiday in September 1894 resulting from the American labor movement. 1894 was arguably the pinnacle of industrialization where “trust busting” monopolies ran on self-servitude and worker exploitation. Following the violent Pullman railroad strike in May 1894, protests erupted in Chicago, Illinois. Not only did this result in Grover Cleveland passing federal legislation that established an 8-hour workday, it included a 3-day weekend for Labor Day to commemorate the achievement on behalf of the American workers.

First weekend of September is in Virgo season. Virgo (the 6thhouse) generally rules skill sets, data, labor, community service, and physical health. It’s also worth noting how football season starts on Labor Day weekend—which checks out considering Virgo also rules physiology. However, physical inclinations are also manifested into riot and protest with Virgo energy—as seen with 9-11, March on Washington For Jobs and Freedom (1963), and the peaceful NFL kneeling protests starting September 2016.

6. Halloween—October 31

Halloween takes place on October 31. This holiday is more than Insta-worthy costumes, cocktails, and children dressing out their fantasies to collect candy house-to-house. Also known as “All hallows Eve”, many cultures celebrate their own versions of Halloween. Many Central and South American countries celebrate Dias de los Muertos—which translates into “Days of the Dead”. For both, the holiday commemorates death on all scales—from the death of crops ringing in winter to lovingly connecting with our deceased ancestors. Legend also has that October 31 is essentially the day where boundaries between life and death are severed. Hence, why we associate the holiday with ghosts, goblins, and monsters.

Halloween takes place during Scorpio season. Scorpio (ruling 8th house) generally rules life and death transformation, power (i.e. creation/destruction), taboo, repressed desires, to include long-term commitments such as marriage and legal agreements (i.e. taxes). For older crowds, we can see taboo come out on Halloween with the whole “one night a year a girl can dress like a s—t… and no one can say anything about it.”

Not to mention why concerns for child safety from sex offenders and pedophiles peak around Halloween. Despite research suggesting no variation of sex and child crimes on Halloween compared to others times, they also fail to mention the heightened patrol—which deters criminal behavior. Either way, something is to be said about why sex and child crimes are usually present in the plots of Halloween slasher films.

7. Thanksgiving—Sagittarius Season

Thanksgiving can be looked at in a couple ways in respect to Sag season. Not only is it celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every month, Thursday is Jupiter’s Day—as Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Thanksgiving always takes place in Sag season, even if the day varies every year. The holiday has origins in the pilgrimage to the New World, but it was Abe Lincoln who declared it as a federal holiday in 1863 as “Prayer Day” to express thankfulness for life’s blessings.

However, this is also a controversial holiday due to historic sensitivities of the indigenous Indians’ fate from what was celebrated to be “thankful” for. Part of the holiday originates in “thankfulness” for the indigenous tribes’ helping settlers with harvests—growing vast quantities of corn, squash, potatoes, and other feasting foods we associate with Thanksgiving. Yeah, I’m sure the New World settlers were thankful that the indigenous peoples didn’t wipe them out the way they did them. With this side of the story, is it a “day of thankfulness” or a celebration of conquest?

Either way, both sides easily fit into the Sag season timeline. Sagittarius (ruling 9th house) rules physical and spiritual expansion, worldviews, belief systems (i.e. religion), travel, abundance, blessings, and ultimately serves as the rite of passage into fulfilling our destiny (10th house). Ever heard of the term “manifest destiny”? On collective scales, the Sag energy can manifest as conquest, militarization, and institutionalization. However you choose to look at Thanksgiving, our eating pants and appetites at this time are, in fact, abundant like Jupiter would want us to be.

8. Christmas—Capricorn Season

Christmas is yet another controversial holiday taking place on December 25—which is right at the beginning of Capricorn season. Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ—ya know, celebrating his spirit through fellowship and giving. However, Christ’s birthday is unknown (some believe it was in March or September)—and biblical scholars insist there’s almost nothing to indicate why December 25 is the chosen day for his birthday celebration. With that in mind, let’s look at how December 25 is what was once believed to be the Winter Solstice (when the Sun is at the highest point in the sky). For pagans, this was essentially the day the Sun—their God—was “born”.

Some scholars argue December 25 was made Christmas in response to pagan traditions (refer back to Roman Empire explanation above). On the other hand, some believe there’s divine significance to December 25 even Christians were attuned with. As I mentioned earlier, Capricorn (10th house) is the highest point of the zodiac—therefore representing a peak in success and consciousness. Regardless of how it happened, it doesn’t change the fact—past, present, and future—that we all agree for whatever reason it’s important.

9. Ramadan—TBD

Ramadan is a Muslim holiday observed annually for a month—which specifically involves fasting from sunrise to sunset (ifer), intensive prayer and studying of the Quran, to include altruistic service to a greater cause. Muslims practice discipline to enrich their lives physically, mentally, and spiritually—which they diligently and eagerly commit to. Considering about 1.8 billion people, or about 24 percent, of the global population are Muslim, I think it’s worth mentioning on this list. Even if Ramadan doesn’t take place in a certain zodiac season, Muslim-predominant countries (such as the Middle East and the Asian Pacific) are generally drawn towards the Chinese zodiac.

The dates differ because it’s based on lunar cycles (so does Chinese astrology). Chinese is different from western astrology; therefore, I can’t analyze Ramadan the way I would other holidays. Point being, however, is that they still use astrology the same way we do—except they openly accept that solar and lunar cycles do, in fact, affect our body, mind, and spirit. Another interesting fact is how this holy month is always the ninth month of the lunar cycle– hence, the number 9 in astrology symbolizing physical and spiritual expansion.