God, I Trust You To Bring The Right Person To Me At The Right Time
Please help me to be a better woman, mother, and friend. Help me to be the woman that you intended for me to be. Help me to become the kind of woman that every good man prays for.
Dear God,
My heart is tired of waiting for the right person to come knocking at my door. I have opened the door to men that only caused destruction inside the walls of my heart. And when they walked out of my life, they took a piece of my heart that I will never get back.
I am tired of giving my time to temporary people. I am tired of giving my heart to men that don’t want to make it their forever home. I am tired of having to mend my own heart after every failed relationship. And I am tired of not receiving the same amount of love that I am giving out.
Yes, I am tired but I am still hopeful. I know that I will eventually find a man that will see my heart as his home, but I am not going to search for him anymore because God, I trust you to bring the right person to me at the right time.
I’ve been praying for this person for years, and now I know the reason why you haven’t answered my prayer is because you are working on finding me the right person. I have faith that you will bring me someone far better than what I prayed for. The choices that I have made when it comes to men were not the right ones, but now I choose to trust you, and to guide me towards my person.
God, I trust you because you are the one who loves me more than any other, and you know exactly what my heart desires. You can see right through me and know what is best for me. You are loving. You are kind. You are so good, and I hope to find a man that has those qualities too. And I know that when the time is right, you will lead me to a man that will love me as much as you.
I am grateful for your love and kindness in my life. I know that you truly do have the answers to lasting love. And while you are working on bringing me the perfect man, I ask you to please help me to align my perspective toward men with yours.
Please help me to be patient, and trust you during moments when I feel like the time is not moving fast enough. Help me not to take matters in my own hands, and not to fall in the hands of men that are no good for my soul.
Please help me to be a better woman, mother, and friend. Help me to be the woman that you intended for me to be. Help me to become the kind of woman that every good man prays for.
God, give me strength on the days that I ache for a mate. Please put my heart at ease on those nights when I wish I had a lover by my side. I must admit that sometimes it does get lonely, and I often wonder when this person will walk into my life. But I know that you are working on bringing us together, and the day when the stars align, you will make sure we cross paths. I believe that you are working on my forever person.
God, I am praying for a good, faithful man that will look after my heart. I pray that he aspires to love me like you do. Please bring me the man who is already praying for me too.
I trust you that you will answer my prayers in your perfect timing. I know that when I am ready to welcome him into my life, you will reveal who he is. I fully trust you to bring me the person that will enhance my life. A person that loves you, and brings me closer to you.
God, I thank you in advance for the amazing person that you will bring to me one day.