The Sweet Thing You Should Do For Each Zodiac Sign On September 5

Aquarius: Schedule plans to see them face-to-face sometime soon. 


Aries: March 21 – April 19th

Send the first text to let them know you’ve been thinking of them.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th

Offer to give them a massage.

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

Surprise them with food.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

Give them a call (instead of a text) so you can hear their voice.

Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

Buy them a drink so they can unwind after work.

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

Ask them for advice so they realize you value their opinion.

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

Remind them how much you love them.

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

Send them a handwritten note saying how much you appreciate them.

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

Leave likes across their social media.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

Give them some space.

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

Schedule plans to see them face-to-face sometime soon.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

Give them a long bear hug. Thought Catalog Logo Mark