Capricorn and Scorpio: Compatibility in Sex, Love, and Friendship
Would you imagine that it’s a good match between earth sign Capricorn and water sign Scorpio? Definitely! In fact, they make for a surprisingly strong pair.
Would you imagine that it’s a good match between earth sign Capricorn and water sign Scorpio? Definitely! These signs are stubborn and persistent in their own ways and that makes for a surprisingly strong relationship. Let’s get to know their personalities a bit more and see how compatible they really are:
Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility
The Capricorn Zodiac
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet associated with karma, divine timing, and overcoming obstacles. Their symbol is of a mythological creature known as a sea-goat. The sea-goat represents success, determination, creativity, and productivity. The Capricorn zodiac sign is responsible, mature, respectful, and hardworking. They would never break a promise — they always mean what they say. Capricorn is an earth sign, meaning they are very ambitious, grounded, and dependable. As a cardinal sign, they are very productive and it’s common for them to turn into a workaholic. It’s difficult for them to strike a healthy work/life balance. They like to take initiative. They are natural-born leaders.
Personality Traits of a Capricorn
Capricorns consider themselves realists, but they are pessimists. They expect the worst-case scenario to happen. They don’t trust people and have a hard time letting down their guard. They can come across as cold and condescending at first because they don’t like new people. However, once you get to know them, they are fun, compassionate people. They are overprotective of the people they consider friends. They tend to bottle up their feelings and lead with their head over their heart.
Although the Capricorn man won’t necessarily have love at the top of his priority list, when he is in a relationship, he will be quite loyal. He won’t outwardly show emotion or affection for his partner, but rather, he will do it through subtle, sweet gestures. He wants a partner who is practical and grounded like him. A Capricorn woman is very persistent and self-sufficient. She’s not the kind of woman who will rush into a relationship, and it will take a while for her to let down her guard. However, when she does open up and enter a relationship, her love and loyalty will run deep.
Capricorn: Moon, Rising, and Venus Signs
In astrology, every person has a sign in the moon, rising, and Venus placements of their zodiac chart. Your moon represents your inner self, your rising is how people see you when they first meet you, and Venus represents love and beauty.
If your moon sign is in Capricorn, you’re a homebody. You enjoy your own company, so you don’t mind staying single. However, you secretly long for connection. You have a big heart, but you won’t give it away to just anyone or too easily. Once you find someone worth your time, you will commit to them for life. Nothing will pull you apart from them.
If your Venus sign is in Capricorn, you obsess over your work. You spend most of your time trying to accomplish your goals and rarely have any time for fun. Your social life suffers because you don’t put as much effort into your friendships as you put into your career. You might also tend to be materialistic at times too.
If your rising sign is in Capricorn, you appear well put together and successful. You also have a serious attitude that can intimidate some people. You will come across as shy, and you’ll be quite selective when making friends. Even when you’re joking around, you keep a straight face. It’s difficult for others to tell when you’re being playful or when you’re insulting them.
The Scorpio Zodiac
The Scorpio zodiac sign is ruled by Mars (ruler of strength and self-expression) and Pluto (ruler of psychic energy). Scorpio’s zodiac constellation is a scorpion, which represents power and intimacy. Scorpio is a water sign, meaning they have a secret emotional intensity. They don’t like to stay in negative moods for very long, so they bounce back quickly. However, that doesn’t mean they just forgive and forget. As a fixed sign, Scorpio is stable, determined, and stubborn. They have a “my way or the highway” attitude and won’t give up until they get what they want. They will hold grudges for a long time.
Personality Traits of Scorpio
Scorpio is a very determined sign. In fact, they will hold a grudge for as long as they have to. They are very obsessive, possessive, and tend to get jealous at times. If someone upsets them, they won’t forget it–they hold lifelong grudges. If they choose to keep you in their life, there will always be a part of them that resents you for putting them through some pain in the past.
Scorpio has a tendency to flirt with everyone who walks into the room, but they aren’t going to settle down until they find someone special. In the meantime, they are going to act secretive and mysterious. They won’t reveal too much about their personal lives. As most water signs are, there is a secret emotional intensity to them. They won’t allow anyone to get too close to them. They will keep their guard up because they are secretly terrified of getting heartbroken. If you want to stay on the good side of a Scorpio, you can’t even think about betraying them. Their trust in you will go right out the window the second you screw up.
The Scorpio man will be just as strong and determined as he is energetic and passionate. When it comes to love and romance, he would rather be in a committed relationship than go on a bunch of dates. He will also be quick to notice if you’re trying to play games with him, so just don’t even bother. The Scorpio woman is just as passionate. She is confident, flirtatious, and sometimes demanding. However, she won’t give her heart away to just anyone. She also doesn’t like to be played (or play others), and won’t be down for a chase.
Scorpio: Moon, Rising, and Venus Signs
In astrology, every person has a sign in the moon, rising, and Venus placements of their zodiac chart. Your moon represents your inner self, your rising is how people see you when they first meet you, and Venus represents love and beauty.
If your moon sign is in Scorpio, you are sometimes a bit of a mystery when it comes to your feelings. It’s not that you’re emotionless, but that it’s in your nature to be secretive about those emotions. You also tend to go through mood swings! You can be highly possessive and jealous when it comes to love, and if your partner upsets you, you just might hold a grudge against them.
If your Venus sign is in Scorpio, you can be quite intense when it comes to love or sexual endeavors. You are slowly seductive and also very cautious–you need to observe a potential partner or a situation before diving in headfirst. You’re highly intuitive, so this works for you.
If your rising sign is in Scorpio, people often see different sides to you: cool and flirty, and also mysterious, moody, and closed off. However, once people get to know you, they will see that you are fiercely loyal and fun. There’s a light inside you people just can’t stray away from.
Capricorn and Scorpio: Friendship Compatibility
Scorpio and Capricorn are stubborn and persistent in their own way and this might cause some tension in the friendship from time to time. These two have a lot in common, too. Unfortunately, sometimes, their overlapping personality traits will cause them to clash. It will be hard for them to come to an agreement when they have differing opinions. They will both believe they are right. They won’t want to budge on what they want, and they won’t want to apologize, even if they realize they were wrong. They will stick to their guns, no matter what. They are on the same level of determination and they strive for success in all that they do!
However, their similar personalities could cause them to have a strong friendship. After all, they are both incredibly loyal. They would do anything for a friend in need. They would never leave someone hanging who needs help. Plus, they are both driven and determined. If they work together on a project, they are going to go far. They will push each other to reach success. Scorpios can be possessive of the people in their life, but Capricorns are pretty loyal, so they have nothing to worry about there. Capricorns will take initiative with new ideas and Scorpios will follow along with enthusiasm and input. As long as they learn to communicate properly and always treat each other respectfully, they will make an unbeatable team.
Capricorn and Scorpio: Sex and Love Compatibility
Capricorn and Scorpio share a special, strong sexual bond. In fact, they are going to have an amazing time in the bedroom. Physically, they are the perfect match. They both strive to be the best at everything they do, so they are going to try their best to pleasure each other. They won’t be able to rest unless they make their partner squirm and moan. They both care about the other person’s pleasure as much as their own, which means they are always going to walk away satisfied with a sexual encounter.
However, outside the bedroom, they could have some issues. There’s a lack of emotional intimacy sometimes. Although there will be a strong sense of trust between these two signs, they are going to have a hard time opening up to each other. Neither sign enjoys discussing their emotions. They would rather bottle up their feelings. Since neither of them is going to initiate a conversation about their emotions, they might go for a long time without meaningful communication. They could end up on two completely separate pages without even realizing it. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are cautious in love but also persistent go-getters, so if love is what they want, love is what they’ll get.
Capricorn and Scorpio: Love Compatibility
Capricorn man + Scorpio woman:
These serious and hard-working individuals make a great love match. Scorpio and Capricorn will be very dedicated to the relationship and will be more than willing to face problems head-on and make changes for the better. A Capricorn male can be very sensual when he opens up and a Scorpio woman is known to be quite passionate, so they make a great pair in the bedroom. They will strive to be on the same page in the relationship, and won’t want to leave their partner behind in the dust, feeling neglected or not cared for.
Scorpio man + Capricorn woman:
This Capricorn Scorpio love match is excellent simply because they are on the same page sexually, financially, and with the goals that they have in life. They understand each other’s inabilities to open up emotionally sometimes and that’s something they’re willing to work through. They are willing to work hard to make sure they both feel safe, loved, and stable in the relationship. This can lead to a strong bond and a long lasting partnership.
Scorpio man + Capricorn man
This Scorpio and Capricorn pair might discover that they are a power couple. They are two signs of the zodiac that are very stubborn and determined, and because of that, they go after what they want and will strive to be the best partner they can be in their relationships. Both signs are very loyal and wouldn’t be the type to search for the next best thing. When–or if–they are able to open up in their relationships, they will want to develop a deep connection with their partner.
Scorpio woman + Capricorn woman
This Scorpio Capricorn match will be incredible strong. Capricorn isn’t a very passionate or sexual sign, while Scorpio very much is, but they’ll still work well with one another: they both care about the other person’s pleasure as much as their own. Capricorn’s earth element means they are very grounded and dependable. They deeply value family and staying loyal in their relationships, and this is great for Scorpio who is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac. The only major flaw in this relationship is their inability to open up and talk about their feelings.