34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person

28. Texted new girlfriend about fapping.

Had a no-fap week when on vacation with friends. Coming home, my computer got stuck in BIOS. Sent a picture of it with the caption “No-fap week continues, FML” to what I thought was my friend. It was sent to the girl I just had started seeing. She actually found it funny and is now my GF). Still bloody nerv-wracking and embarrassing.

29. Sent really inappropriate text to uncle’s retired employee.

Hey bro, wanna hear something not disturbing this time? I just masturbated and there are still cum stuck in the jungle of hair I grow around my dick.

Was supposed to send this to a friend. Sent it to one of my uncle’s retired employees instead… Hope I never see her again.

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