Zaron Burnett III
When You Want To Kiss Them
It’s been a long minute since I’ve kissed anyone. So… when the opportunity came up recently, you have no idea how much I wanted to kiss her.
“Hurt”: That Time When Johnny Cash Stole Trent Reznor’s Best Song
“I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow.”
“Where Are All The Single Men?” …A Guy’s Answer
So… in an effort to help both sides of this divide, I brainstormed up a list of all the places my straight single guy friends and I spend time.
“Where Do You Find Single Women?”
Love Lessons From The Dudes of Disney… From A Guy’s Perspective
Over time, Disney princes will mess you up worse than a bad speed habit.
10 Ways To Deal With Losing The One Person You Want
I don’t know about you but I’d rather breakdance barefoot on broken glass than be rejected by the only person I want and desire.
Ligers and Tigons and Multiracial Kids… Oh My!
When I was a boy, if you were multiracial you learned pretty quickly there was no clearly designed spaced for you in the world.
What Does A Strong Female Role Model Look Like?
Wonder Woman embodies the contradictions of any female hero in popular culture.
An Orgasm A Day: For A Better Tomorrow
The real question is: Why are we all so sexually uncomfortable — why do we act like adolescents who want sex but are equally afraid of it?
In Relationships, Are You The Lover Or The Beloved?
In relationships, there are two roles: the lover and the beloved. You’ve seen this dynamic at play in your relationships, as well as your friends and family. It’s a variation on “opposites attract.” And it’s as natural as magnetism.
Women, Books, And Orgasms
Photographers chase after elusive moments of spontaneous authenticity wherein a person reveals their hidden self in a way previously unseen. They yearn to capture life as it is lived and experienced without a thought of pose or presentation.