Tyler Vendetti

Articles by
Tyler Vendetti
30 Subtle Ways To Let Someone Know That You Don’t Like Them
Forget their birthday after promising to make it “the best birthday ever!”
10 Conversations Nobody Actually Wants To Have
Every “you had to be there” story.
6 Life Lessons You Should Learn The Hard Way
People are mean. They will make judgments about you right off the bat without any prior knowledge and they will try to mold you into a character they deem worthy of respect.
6 Popular Movies That Have Terrible Moral Messages
We all know Hollywood likes to brainwash us with subtle symbolism and hidden satanic references, but there are some films that have pushed the envelope a little too far.
Yes, I’m An English Major. No, I Will Not Be Working At McDonald’s.
When I was 5, I wrote my first book.
10 Celebrities Who Quit Scientology And Why
Recently, actress Leah Remini made the brave decision to quit the Church of Scientology. Apparently, there were policies set in place to prevent anyone from questioning the leader, David Miscavige, and any of his actions (very dictatorship-y, if you ask me) and Remini realized how ridiculous that really was.