Trista Mateer

Articles by
Trista Mateer
Why Did The New Yorker Celebrate This ‘Male Feminist Poet’ On International Women’s Day?
If you want to help women, don’t patronize them and then pat yourself on the back for it. Male-centric feminism is just patriarchy calling themselves good men for not hating women.
In This Life / In Another Life
IN ANOTHER LIFE we get a big airport scene. I’m fresh off a five-hour flight. You pick me up at the arrivals area. You wear that red, plaid scarf. It feels right, being in your passenger seat.
I Have This Dream Where I Am Not Afraid To Hold Your Hand In Texas
I have this dream where I don’t have to keep coming out over and over. Where people don’t think my sexuality is a phase unless I can produce a girlfriend on command. Where people stop asking me who fucks better: men or women.
What Happens When I Use ‘The B Word’
What if it is just a phase? What if I change my mind? What if my mother’s right?