21 One-Sentence Reminders For Anyone Who Feels Like They’re Never Going To Be Okay
1. It’s time to stop settling for okay and make the decision to be phenomenal.
2. Your feelings are based on your reaction to what is happening, not an accurate depiction of the reality of your situation.
3. I know you feel like your problem is insurmountable but if you changed your vantage point, you would soon see that this will pass.
4. Make the choice, no matter how difficult, to be happy and the universe will begin to conspire to fill every corner of your life with unspeakable joy.
5. The greatest lessons in life are learned through tragedy, not triumph.
6. Your ability to survive this situation, even with tears and hopelessness, proves that you are so much stronger than you think you are.
7. You are far too unique and necessary to surrender to this temporary situation.
8. Shift your focus from your situation to someone who lives for your smile.
9. Instead of focusing on the problem, put forth a little effort to discover the lesson and the blessing that this problem will surely manifest.
10. Think about the last huge issue you overcame; now harness the power of that moment to assure yourself that you can overcome this.
11. Think about the last problem that brought you to your knees; now, honestly ask yourself if that issue is still impacting your life the same way it once did.
12. Take a moment and consider the enormity of the universe and honestly assess whether your situation is as monumental as it seems.
13. Whatever or whoever has left your life did so because it was a necessary part of your growth and breakthrough.
14. Be bold and ask God for a better perspective, a pleasant outcome, or a better situation; now believe until you receive what you’ve asked for.
15. As long as you continue to focus on yesterday, you will squander away today, and miss the blessings that tomorrow will bring.
16. If you are still breathing that means that God is not done with you yet.
17. Consider that God may very well be testing your capacity for gratitude before you receive the monumental blessing that is coming your way.
18. Very few events in life are unique, so God could be preparing you to bless someone close to you with an empathetic heart and ear.
19. Happiness was never a guarantee in life, but access to happiness is your right and your responsibility.
20. Follow the sound and perfect advice you would give if someone you loved was going through your current situation.
21. The only true obstacle standing between you and happiness is your willingness to accept and embrace that the power to create and live your very best life is yours.