19 Things To Let Go Of In 2019
Ieva Urenceva

19 Things To Let Go Of In 2019

Let go of things that hurt you, things that break you.


1. Let go of doubting yourself. Take the big leap or the small step. Do what you want to do, say what your heart wants you to say, go your mind wants you to go. Stop limiting yourself bound by the shackles of self-doubt. You are stronger than you think, mightier than you feel. Just take a deep breath in and breathe out the self-doubt and do what you have got to do.

2. It’s never too late. Every day is a new day, a new opportunity to change everything that you want to change. Every moment is an opportunity to turn around your life to the way you want it to be. The time is yours to shine, use it.

3. Let go of the toxicity. Let this year be the one where you realize the value of your life and that you do not need to be surrounded by drama or negative vibes. Embrace the positivity. Don’t be afraid to lose people who are meant to be lost.

4. Let go of things that hurt you, things that break you. Cut away all things that stop you from growing. Plant for yourself with some good habits, water yourself with some good memories, and then bloom afresh.

5. Let go of the need of being surrounded by people all the time. Find happiness in being alone. It’s okay to stay in on a Saturday night. It’s okay to do things alone, to be your own joy. People are busy and everyone has their own life just like you have yours. It is okay to sit in a cafeteria alone or watch a movie alone. People are good but you are better.

6. Let go of trying to rush through things. Take your time. Slow down. You have a lot more time than you think you do. If you rush things, you have to either redo the entire thing or won’t be able to give it your best. So stop trying to complete everything in one go. There is still time.

7. Let go of thinking that you will not survive your situation. No matter how bad it looks, you will get through it. Stop worrying about tomorrow and just get through today. Take it one day at a time. The sun will come up tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and soon you will not understand how you have survived the whole thing. You will be stronger than ever.

8. It’s okay to ask for help. Let go of worrying that asking for help in any form is a sign of weakness. If anything at all, it makes you brave. Brave enough to address your issues, and brave for wanting to fight them. Asking for help doesn’t make you small. Reach out before it’s too late.

9. In 2019, let go of being ashamed of your values and your beliefs. Live your own goddamn life with your own goddamn values. It’s okay to believe in God, it’s okay not to. It’s okay to have sex, and it’s also okay to not want to have sex. It’s okay to love the same sex, or opposite sex or no one at all. It’s okay to be you. It is your life. Live it your way.

10. Let go of feeling that without a romantic involvement in your life you are alone. It is not so. You have to learn to be enough for your own self. You have to dance to your own rhythm, sing to your own tune. It is okay to be in love with yourself. It’s okay to be single. It’s okay to lay down on your bed, eating popcorn and watching Bridget Jones with your cat without having a Mr. Darcy in your own life. It is absolutely okay.

11. Let go of the fear of confrontation. It is difficult and you might hurt people, but it is always necessary to let people know how you feel and what you think in order to maintain healthy relationships.

12. Let 2019 be the year where you grow closer to own family. Call them more often, go see them more frequently. Your parents are aging fast and you might have all the time in this world, but they don’t. Also, they are wiser than you even if you think you’re smart. They are more important than you give them credit for.

13. Understand that people might not always agree with you. They might have different viewpoints and it is okay. It’s always good to be a little challenged. You don’t know, you might just get enlightened.

14. Let go of thinking that everyone will like you. You don’t have to like everyone, and not everyone has to like you. You cannot please every person in your life and that is absolutely fine. Just be sure that you like you.

15. Stop stressing over how your body looks. No one thinks about it as much as you worry about it. Bodies are just bodies. Be more focused on having a healthy lifestyle rather than having a certain kind of body type.

16. Stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. You will not get your dream job by lying in your bed thinking about it. You will not get that scholarship by just dreaming about it. Just like you won’t even get your dinner if you don’t go to the kitchen to cook it. If you want something go get it, stop waiting.

17. Sometimes all you can do is all you can do. Let go of the sense of obligation and learn to say no. It’s okay if you cannot help a friend out, or attend a certain thing because of a deadline. You are a good person just trying to do your best. It is okay to say no.

18. But also know that opportunities do not always come around a second time. Say yes too. Jump on adventures. Do something new. Make memories for yourself. Let go of taking the back seat in your own life.

19. You can either choose love or hate. Hate is way heavier to carry in your heart. Let go of it. Choose love. Today, tomorrow, and always. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Shrina Dutta

Usually lost in the pages of books, coffee and tea. I use my pen as my wand. Believer in God and the power of love and kindness.