Dear You—This Is Your Moment
Jon Flobrant

Dear You—This Is Your Moment

This just might be the moment you find where you belong.


This just might be the moment you find your place.

More than that, this just might be the moment you find where you belong.

This just might be the moment that after you’ve blown out the candles on your birthday cake, holding them closely to your heart, they come true.

This just might be the moment that you stop saying you don’t deserve something, because you find that you are worth it, and you always have been.

This just might be the moment that you discover your strength and what you’re capable of, mentally and physically.

This just might be the moment that you bust down any door or obstacle that stands in between you and the thing you want most.

This just might be the moment you’ve been dreaming of and praying about for quite some time.

This just might be the moment that you stop worrying and let yourself have a moment of freedom.

This just might be the moment that you realize you can’t always change your circumstances, but you can adjust your outlook on them.

This just might be the moment that you celebrate the quiet, the stillness and the beauty around you.

This just might be the moment that you realize anything you want is completely within reach. It’s just a matter of asking for it.

This just might be the moment that you start speaking up more when the time calls for it and you won’t care if all eyes are on you. Because it’s been a long time coming.

This just might be the moment to laugh a little more, love fiercely and forget the former things.

This just might be the moment to step into exactly who you were born to be.

This just might be the moment that you finally accept you as you are.

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About the author

Shelby Parker

I’m a major Hollywood nerd and love finding locations used in TV&film.