Samantha Siffring

Samantha is a life coach, mom of 3, proud millennial, political junkie, and writer. She loves deep conversations, pretty things, & corny jokes.
Articles by
Samantha Siffring
16 Last Minute Resolutions You Can Make That Will Actually Change Your Year For The Better
Start a gratitude practice. This one is a choose your own adventure of resolutions: Write, record, or think of 1-5 things you are grateful for, either in the morning or evening. You pick the details, but commit to doing this for at least a month. Be consistent and watch your life transform like magic.
12 Unsettling Signs You’re Actually Holding Yourself Back In Life
Do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it. Your self worth will get an instant boost.
This Is The Netflix Show You Need To Binge Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Libra: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. This show is a national treasure so even if you’ve already watched, enjoy it again. All of Titus’s songs get even better once you can sing along.
To The Ones Who Need To Remember To Move On
You deserve to feel like you can take on the world and that you are worthy – just as you are.
Ranking The Zodiac Signs By How Likely They Are To Ghost You
Virgo isn’t likely to ghost you, but is currently worrying that you will ghost them and might start a fight about it.