Sai Sailaja Seshadri

I have a verified twitter account @saisailu97
Articles by
Sai Sailaja Seshadri
My Tattoos Are A Part Of Me, But They Don’t Define Me
I refuse to let anyone ever tell me that my tattoos are a risk to me or that I should stop getting them just to please someone else.
If He’s Doing These 15 Toxic Things You Should Dump Him Immediately
No healthy relationship should ever consume you. It should not become an addiction, it should not become the only thing that is ever on your mind.
16 Things That 2016 Taught Me
2016 might have been the same 12 month-long year as every other one, but boy has it felt like much longer.
The Single Life Didn’t Choose Me; I Chose The Single Life
I’m not ready to get into a commitment with another person simply because of boredom or a fear of being alone or to say, “Yes, I am dating someone.”
This Is How Hookup Culture Actually Makes Women Stronger
There are more women who choose to engage in the hookup culture without being afraid of the stigma that comes with being a woman who enjoys casual sex.