silhouette photography of two person

Despite Everything, I Would Still Do It All Again With You

I wish we could get back to being strangers and meet each other in our hostel’s lobby all over again. I wish we could go back to the day we were both just two random travelers wandering the streets of a foreign country and discovering it for the very first time together. I wish we could get to know each other from the beginning all over again and redo it all from the start.

I wish we could get back to the time when we said goodbye to each other for the first time, only to discover later on that it wasn’t really a goodbye but the beginning to a beautiful story.

I wish we could fall in love with each other again and have this thrill of saying “I love you” for the first time. I wish we could get back and relive our first date for the very first time.

I want to have our first conversation again. I want to relive the very first moment we saw each other all over again with all its awkwardness. I want to get back to our first argument and our first disagreement. I want to get back to the time when I was so eager to talk to you just to tell you all about my day and hear how yours went.

I want to go back to the moment when I realized I was falling for you. I want to go back in time to when we came up with our first inside joke and laughed so hard at it again. I want to get back to the moments we used to tease each other by coming up with silly nicknames for each other.

I want to get back to the time when all I wanted was to just lay with you and watch Friends together. I want to get back to the time when we were starting to become parts of each other’s lives and how we were still discovering things about each other for the very first time.

I want to get back to when we used to talk about building a life and a future together. I want to get back to the days we used to talk on the phone all day long without feeling the time or getting bored. I want to get back to the time we used to video call for hours and hours till we fall asleep.

I miss us so much. I miss how things used to be between us, because despite every single thing that has happened, I would still do it with you all over again in a heartbeat; even though I already know the ending, I would still redo it all from the start with you. You have been the most beautiful adventure that I will always want to relive again with all its ups and downs and with all its beauty, messiness, heartache, and excitement.

About the author

Rowan Abdelmeguid

I want to write about you, me, and all of us.